chore(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin to v2 #17
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
JetBrains/kotlin (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin)
Compare Source
Compose / iOS: NullPointerException on buildingKT-73454
K2: Fix type parameters mapping for typealiases with inner RHSKT-73043
K2 Compiler does not allow references to inner constructors with typealiasesKT-74040
Compilation of inner class usage does not check the visibility of parent class during compilation in different roundsKT-73339
K2: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" because of missing implicit cast on generic field receiver with star projectionKT-72585
K2: Compilation failure when upgrading to Kotlin 2.0.20+: Cannot replace top-level type with star projection: SKT-73399
compile-time JVM codegen failure on a KProperty argument of a KSuspendFunction parameterKT-72725
KMP: Unsupported actualization of inherited java field in expect classKT-73153
K2: Standalone diagnostics on type arguments are not reportedCompose compiler
Compose compiler: unexpected stability warnings for classes compiled with 2.0.10b/381407900
Avoid adding Compose annotations on synthetic classesIR. Inlining
Cherry-pick the fix for KT-73482 to 2.1.10JavaScript
Kotlin Js companion is undefined in production buildKT-73130
KJS: Missedbreak
for do/while in generated JS codeKT-58797
Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backendsKlibs
[KLIB Resolve] Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependencyKT-73951
Workaround for "Partial linkage engine may not patch some discrepancies in IR when compiling Kotlin/Native static caches" in 2.1.10Native
K/Native: AndroidNativeArm64 linking fails starting from Kotlin 2.1.0Tools. CLI
JDK 25: "IllegalArgumentException: 25-ea" with EA buildsTools. Daemon
"Unable to release compile session, maybe daemon is already down" flakinessTools. Gradle
'generatePomFileForMavenPublication' creates pom with dependencies with 'unspecified' versionTools. Gradle. Multiplatform
KMP 2.1.0: Transitive dependency is broken when setting publication groupIdTools. Gradle. Native
doesn't work anymoreKT-71419
Light bundle KGP IT run against a stable K/N versionv2.1.0
Compare Source
Analysis API
New Features
KotlinDirectInheritorsProvider: add an option to ignore non-kotlin resultsPerformance Improvements
Performance problem in KaFirVisibilityChecker for KaFirPsiJavaClassSymbolFixes
Class reference is not resolvableKT-57733
Analysis API: Use optimizedModuleWithDependenciesScope
s in combined symbol providersKT-72389
K2: False positive "Redundant 'protected' modifier" for protected property inside protected constructor from private or internal classKT-69190
K2: False-positive "redundant private modifier"KT-64984
Analysis API: Support Wasm targetKT-70375
K2: NPE at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.symbols.KaFirNamedClassSymbolBase.createPointerKT-71259
K2 evaluator: Invalid smart cast info collecting for Code FragmentsKT-69360
Lack of implicit receiver for the last statement under lambda in scriptsKT-70890
Analysis API: Experiment with weak references to LL FIR/analysis sessions in session cachesKT-70657
Analysis API: Inner types from classes with generics are incorrectly represented by the compiled jarsKT-71055
Suspend calls inside 'analyze()' break the block guaranteesKT-70815
Analysis API: Implement stop-the-world session invalidationKT-69819
K2 IDE: LHS type in callable references is unresolved when it has type arguments and is qualifiedKT-68761
Analysis API: Experiment with limited-size cache inKaFirSessionProvider
Analysis API Standalone: The same class in the same two renamed jars is unresolvedKT-71067
Exceptions from references cancel Find UsagesKT-69535
Redesign 'containingSymbol'KT-71025
K2 IDE: Scopes in "importingScopeContext" have reversed ordering and "indexInTower" valuesKT-67483
K2 IDE: Serializable plugin causes infinite resolve recursion when there is a star import from a class with annotation callKT-69416
K2 IDE / Completion: “No classifier found” on simple value creatingKT-70257
CCE: class kotlin.UInt cannot be cast to class java.lang.NumberKT-70376
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: IAE “Only componentN functions should be cached this way, but got: toString” on evaluating toString() method for value classKT-70264
AA: service registration via XML fails with AbstractMethodError in Lint CLIKT-69950
Analysis API: IntroduceisSubtypeOf(ClassId)
K2: “lazyResolveToPhase(STATUS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase STATUS.”KT-67665
K2: contract violation for value class with a constructor parameter with an implicit typeKT-67009
Analysis API: Add abbreviated type tests for type aliases from source modulesKT-69977
KaFirFunctionalType#getAbbreviation is always nullKT-68341
Analysis API: Expanded function types from libraries don't have an abbreviated typeKT-68857
Analysis API: Refactor annotationsKT-70386
Do not filter out overloads from different libraries in dangling filesKT-65552
K2: CANNOT_CHECK_FOR_ERASED in KtTypeCodeFragmentKT-65803
K2: Analysis API: KtFirTypeProvider#getSubstitutedSuperTypes throws an exception in the case of "Wrong number of type arguments"KT-68896
Support VirtualFile binary dependency inputs to Analysis API modulesKT-69395
K2 IDE: incorrect overload selection from binary dependencies in a shared native source setKT-68573
ISE: "Unexpected constant value (kotlin/annotation/AnnotationTarget, CLASS)" at Kt1DescUtilsKt.toKtConstantValue()KT-69576
Analysis API: FIR implementation of "isImplicitReferenceToCompanion" returns false for companion references in implicit invoke operator callsKT-69568
Analysis API: FIR implementation of "isImplicitReferenceToCompanion" returns true for non-companion references in qualified callsKT-69436
Analysis API Platform: EncapsulateLLFirDeclarationModificationService
as an engine serviceKT-63004
K2: Analysis API: Design API for querying declarations generated by compiler plugins (similar to indices)KT-69452
AA FIR: wrong source PSI after compile-time evaluationKT-69598
AA: definitely not-null type at receiver position should be wrapped in parenthesisKT-60484
Analysis API: add support for KtType pointers similar to KtSymbolPointerKT-68884
Analysis API: Rename/deprecate/remove declarations as part of StabilizationKT-69453
AA FIR: miss to handle expected type of lambda with explicit labelKT-69533
Protect implementation parts of Analysis API with opt-in annotationsAnalysis API. FIR
Performance Improvements
FirElementBuilder#getFirForNonKtFileElement should iterate a Psi file over and overKT-71224
Analysis API:FirElementFinder.collectDesignationPath
relies on naive iteration through FIR filesFixes
Analysis API: Batch inspection causes deadlock inValueWithPostCompute
Analysis API: Querying declared member scope for Java symbols results in exception in some use casesKT-68268
LLSealedInheritorsProvider: reduce scope to kotlin filesKT-69671
TYPES phase contract violation through JavaSymbolProviderKT-70624
Declaration symbols from code fragments are treated as not localKT-70662
NPE: FirLazyBodiesCalculatorKt.calculateLazyBodyForPropertyKT-70859
Do not fail highlighting due to resolution problemsKT-70474
FirLazyResolveContractViolationException from JavaSymbolProviderKT-70323
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase TYPESKT-71567
LLFirCompilerRequiredAnnotationsTargetResolver should calculate annotation arguments on demandKT-71584
treats KtParameter from functional type as non-localAnalysis API. Light Classes
Performance Improvements
Drop redundant cache from ClassInnerStuffCacheFixes
Support value classesKT-71693
Wrong name mangling for JvmField class property and companion property clashKT-71469
KtLightClassForDecompiledDeclaration: missed kotlinOriginKT-70710
Provide light classes for KMP modules in Android LintKT-70548
SLC: text of class object access expression is not the same as raw textKT-70572
SLC: missingisInheritor
implementation for type parameterKT-70491
SLC: inconsistent source PSI of no-arg constructor for all default valuesKT-70458
SLC: missedauxiliaryOriginalElement
for delegated propertyKT-70232
Support a companion object inside value classesKT-70349
:` annotations are missed for light class fieldsKT-68328
Move KtLightClassBase to ULCAnalysis API. Providers and Caches
K2: resulted FirClass.psi != requested PsiClass from completionKT-69292
K2: Analysis API: A property'sMUST_BE_INITIALIZED
diagnostic is not updated after changingfield
usage in an accessorKT-71468
Drop redundant logic from LLFirJavaFacadeForBinariesKT-71700
Cache result of resolveToCallKT-71520
Analysis API:LLFirNativeForwardDeclarationsSymbolProvider
spends a lot of time in indicesAnalysis API. Standalone
Analysis API: In Standalone mode the order of symbols is unstableAnalysis API. Stubs and Decompilation
KtClassOrObject should use isLocal from greenStubAnalysis API. Surface
New Features
should support operatorsKT-69961
should support propertiesPerformance Improvements
KaSymbol: reduce the number ofcached
Introduce PSI-basedKaSymbol
s for K2Fixes
Analysis API: expose only interfaces/abstract classes for the resolution APIKT-69696
KaSymbolByFirBuilder should filter call-site substitutionsKT-69679
KaDelegatedConstructorCall should have substituted signatureKT-70206
API throws an exception for regular functionsKT-69699
Receiver type is not substituted in the case of conflict declarationsKT-69381
Analysis API: Investigate the viability of currentKaSymbol
K2: ConcurrentModificationException at FirCallCompleter$LambdaAnalyzerImpl.analyzeAndGetLambdaReturnArgumentsKT-70661
Invalid FirDeclarationOrigin ScriptTopLevelDestructuringDeclarationContainerKT-70663
KaFirDestructuringDeclarationSymbol: Failed requirementKT-63490
Analysis API: Accessing the Analysis API should be prohibited during dumb modeKT-63390
K2: Analysis API: add annotations to KtClassInitializerSymbolKT-55124
Design common ancestor for KtValueParameter and KtReceiverParameterSymbolKT-71731
directlyOverridenSymbols/allOverridenSymbols works incorrectly for intersection overridesApple Ecosystem
Deprecate and remove support for bitcode embedding from the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-66894
XCFramework task fails when name passed to xcframework DSL is different from framework's nameKT-65675
XCFrameworkTask produces an xcframework with mismatched casing in embedded frameworksKT-69119
xcodeVersion task fails if Xcode isn't installed and apple-specific native targets aren't declaredBackend. Wasm
New Features
Improve DX of the variable view during debugging in Chrome/Firefox for Kotlin/WasmKT-70331
Support incremental compilation for the Wasm backendKT-71686
K/Wasm: Add functions to convert between Kotlin and JS array typesKT-68185
[WasmJs] Attach js exception object to JsExceptionFixes
Wasm Artifacts/Resource are being loaded relatively instead of absolutelyKT-71473
K/Wasm: Use--closed-world
and related options for BinaryenKT-72297
[Wasm] Unused associated object class lead to compiler failKT-72156
custom-formatters.js exists in JAR after publishToMavenLocal but not in the published artifact in Maven publicKT-65799
K/Wasm: remove default exports from wasm exportsKT-71800
Wasm compiler: Fix member generation for data classes with an array-type propertyKT-71580
String::toFloat on wasm behaves differently compared to other targetsKT-71523
K/Wasm: cleanup after fix for KT-71474KT-71475
K/Wasm: KClass::qualifiedName returns incorrect result for nested or companion objectsKT-71474
K/Wasm: KProperty*Impl equals work incorrectly for clabbale reference created in different files or modulesKT-61130
K/Wasm: Function signatures may clash with base class internal methods from a friend moduleKT-70820
[Kotlin QG] wasm-validator fails when running compile[...]KotlinWasmJsOptimizeKT-70819
[Kotlin QG] node.js fails when running wasmJs[...]Test KGP tasksKT-70394
Investigate increased wasm binary size after switching stdlib compilation to K2KT-69627
functions from WASM stdlibKT-68509
Fatal: error validating input in compileProductionExecutableKotlinWasmJsOptimizeCompiler
New Features
Kotlin/Native incremental compilation: fail compilation if cache build failedKT-21908
Support 'when' exhaustiveness checking for generic type parameter with sealed class upper boundKT-70679
Kotlin/Native: fill WritableTypeInfo from Swift Export type mappingKT-59798
Builder inference is not working when combined withlet
Cannot use nullable Nothing as reified type parameterKT-71430
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization implementationKT-68163
Expose supplementary compiler warnings via CLIKT-69321
Swift export: enable auto-linkage of binary dependenciesKT-11526
Improve diagnostics for "X overrides nothing"KT-49710
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable type as receiverKT-69729
Support calling super interface Java methods from Kotlin interfaceKT-69508
Improve "Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" check for the inline property accessorsPerformance Improvements
FP Kotlin performance degradation (around Cone types hierarchy changes)KT-71159
[K2] OOM on large enum classes with fieldsKT-69718
K2: Check for jvm nullability annotations in fir2ir is slowKT-68417
Native: LLVM 16 inliner is slow on K/N-produced modulesKT-63971
K2: Redundant@ParameterName
in abbreviated type in metadataFixes
JVM IR: NPE on identity equals of boolean true with nullKT-72214
-fpass-plugin (clangFlags) is not applied since Kotlin 2.0.20KT-68933
CompilationException: Back-end: Could not get inlined classKT-72255
Promote jspecify from warning to errorKT-73065
CCE with context receiversKT-61033
K2: implement a diagnostic corresponding to K1's MISSING_BUILT_IN_DECLARATIONKT-72345
K2: Method 'get' without@Override
annotation not calledKT-71260
K2: Internal compiler error in IrFakeOverrideSymbolBase.getOwner when there is no actual for expectKT-72996
false-positive unresolved reference error on an overloaded callable reference in a lambda return position on the left-hand size of an elvis operatorKT-72552
AutoboxingTransformer fails on during linkage on nested lambdas with cinteroped typesKT-71751
K2: Skipping code in last statement of lambdaKT-71121
Kotlin/JS incremental compilation fails with KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachmentsKT-60521
Drop language versions 1.4 and 1.5KT-70461
K2: "Inline class types should have the same representation" caused by value class and smart checkKT-72238
Argument type mismatch in builder inside extension function after ?:KT-70306
K2: Lambdas are unserializable: inferred from Java param? super I
Incorrect optimisation when optimising for loop with UByteKT-68653
Switch latest stable language version in Kotlin project to 2.1KT-71708
False negative UNSUPPORTED for collection literals as trailing return valueKT-72281
K/N: "Failed to wait for cache to be built"KT-72017
Enum property reflection returning null KClassifier property for Enum classes defined inside Kotlin ScriptsKT-69040
PCLA: deal with "deep" calls that can be fully analyzed properlyKT-69920
K2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: FirNamedArgumentExpressionImpl.replaceConeTypeOrNull() during Space project compilationKT-69549
Try to move callable reference transformation earlier in pipelineKT-63944
Kotlin/Native: Cache flavor selection doesn't respect GC kindKT-71649
K2: Put operator on mutableMap<T?, V>() causes crashes on null keyKT-70667
K2: "Type parameter * has inconsistent bounds" caused by wildcard and where-clauseKT-70562
cannot accept multiple experimental markerKT-69407
K2: Compiler crash (Shouldn't be here) due to unresolved reference in FirProjectionRelationCheckerKT-71508
JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS isn't reported when java class is inherited from an effectively private classKT-72178
K2: "Unexpected FirPlaceholderProjectionImpl" exception when using "_" as key type in EnumMapKT-70407
Error/warning message for@SubclassOptInRequired
-annotated class should provide more contextKT-72302
K2: no error on type operator in annotation parameter default valueKT-58820
OPT_IN_USAGE_ERROR's message text does not account for SubclassOptInRequiredKT-71662
PCLA: a type variable is not fixed on demand to a type containing a not-fixed type variableKT-69739
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected FirPlaceholderProjectionImpl" caused by unresolved referencesKT-72154
Dokka fails withnot array: KClass<out Annotation>
on Kotlin 2.1.20-dev with@SubclassOptInRequired
K2. Compiler crash with FileAnalysisException on incorrect symbol in nesting lambdaKT-72173
K2: simple object names from root package are resolved without imports in non-root packages when used as valuesKT-71480
JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS isn't reported while java object isn't createdKT-71034
Failing compiler/testData/codegen/box/inlineClasses/kt70461.ktKT-71016
K/Wasm: Failing compiler/testData/codegen/box/inlineClasses/kt70461.ktKT-52469
Deprecate reified type parameter instantiating into intersection typesKT-71753
PCLA: false-negative operator ambiguity error on fixing a type variable on demand for an operator assignmentKT-59871
K2: Fix introduced diagnosticsKT-71563
'llegalStateException: Source classes should be created separately before referencing' when actualized through typealias and java direct actualizationKT-64741
Avoid leaking ConeTypeVariable types in diagnostics from PCLAKT-60447
Builder inference fails to infer generic type argument from local classKT-69170
K2: "Unresolved reference" caused by generics and fun interfacesKT-71756
K2 evaluator: broken resolve of private members during debug of Kotlin project itselfKT-68893
Invalid annotation in contract crashes with K2KT-71490
Implement BlackBoxCodegenTestSpecGenerated for K2KT-71551
JVM IR K1: NPE on generating a function imported from an object from another moduleKT-71210
K2/JVM: ClassCastException around Array<Nothing?>KT-71228
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: Failed requirement" caused by lambda parameter and class typeKT-71738
K2: False negative REDECLARATION inside object expressionKT-71701
K2: false positive CAN_BE_VAL with lateinit and non-in-place lambdaKT-68694
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Unresolved reference: <HIDDEN: samples/gen/classes/enum class/EnumClass.lam is invisible” on evaluating private lambda inside enum entryKT-70970
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Only assignable IrValues can be set” on calling overloaded inc() operator on interfaceKT-70824
K2: NoSuchFieldException when evaluating private extension propertyKT-70390
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: can't invoke lambda from private class during evaluationKT-68701
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “ERROR_CALL 'Unresolved reference: <HIDDEN: /privateLambda is invisible>#' type=IrErrorType(null)” on evaluating private top-level lambdaKT-68695
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Unsupported callable reference” on evaluating ::lateinitStr on private lateinit propertyKT-70861
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: can't evaluate Clazz::class call for private classKT-34911
Improve error message for WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET: list applicable targetsKT-71601
K2: When with a subject of type dynamic always considered exhaustiveKT-33091
Kotlin/Native: Compiler crashes if an external class is declaredKT-59651
K1/K2: Assertion error on external enum usage attemptKT-69939
Extract a category of internal FIR checkers from supplementary FIR checkersKT-70850
Pull down typeArguments from ConeKotlinType to ConeClassLikeTypeKT-71117
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: No type for StarProjection" with star projection and function typeKT-71251
Native & JS K2: Missing check for callingisInitialized
inside inline funKT-70161
Native: extracting LLVM 16 on Linux makes the compiler print many "Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime'" messagesKT-71215
K2: UB due to the erroneous greening of the red code with multiple delegation with javaKT-59386
Make using -Xuse-k2 compiler flag an errorKT-69756
TypeOfLowering: don't create constant object nodes before inliningKT-66328
K2: implement an error for KT-66324KT-71046
K/N: a separate lowering to convert function reference to IrConstantObjectKT-69223
Drop parallel lowering mode in JVM backendKT-70260
: improve compiler error if a method is presentKT-67739
Improve error message when JDK used in -Xjdk-release has corrupted class filesKT-63964
K2: different naming of classes defined in script in metadataKT-70014
Common inference: introduce rigidTypeMarkerKT-71352
Cannot load script definition class org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.KotlinProjectScriptTemplateKT-63502
Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javaslang.λ during compilationKT-66316
Kotlin/Native: make@Escapes
annotation required for all external functionsKT-69653
Prohibit exposing types via type parameters' boundsKT-68451
Inconsistent rules of CFA in enum initialization blockKT-70893
K2: Bogus NO_COMPANION_OBJECT on resolve to private qualifierKT-70965
FIR/AA: Initializers for Java annotation arguments mapping capture use-site sessionsKT-63945
K2: Prevent possible diagnostic lossKT-64453
K2: Implement ComposeLikeIr...TestGenerated for K2KT-30424
Confusing error message "modality is different"KT-70846
on specific typesKT-56720
K2: false positive MANY_IMPL_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in case of delegation in diamond inheritanceKT-69937
Define & enforce user-friendly terminology for extended checkersKT-64406
K2: Implement CompileKotlinAgainstJavaTestGenerated for K2KT-69938
Validate sets of default compiler warnings and supplementary compiler warningsKT-68971
Investigate suspicious fragmentation of FIR trees for string literals with interpolationKT-71073
Multi-dollar strings: parser grabs too much if backticks follow a short sequence of '$'KT-71213
Rethrow exceptions in checkers with some useful attachmentsKT-70395
K2: "Captured Type does not have a classifier" caused byout
type and interface hierarchyKT-70133
K2: false negative UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE when postponed lambda is created before initializationKT-70625
K2: ClassCastException caused by function reference, star projection and invariant type parameterKT-70835
K2: "TYPE_MISMATCH" caused by operator assignmentKT-70366
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Failed to find functional supertype for class "KT-68834
Parentheses don't influence calls of any convention operators (except invoke operator) after safe navigation operatorKT-70358
K2: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No type for StarProjection" when using a star projection on a function typeKT-69298
K2: "Initializer type mismatch" caused by elvis operator type inference for nullable typealiasKT-71189
K2: False negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN in when over nullable type with!is Nothing?
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable type argument as subjectKT-70947
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with DNN subject and nullable sealed class upper boundKT-70752
Review diagnostics with whole declaration as rangeKT-71160
K2: Rendering of flexible collection types and arrays is too verboseKT-61227
Definitely non-nullable types cause "Any was expected" for@Nullable
K2: NONE_APPLICABLE instead of more useful "type mismatch" error with overloads and parameter nullability mismatchKT-69829
Missed UNRESOLVED_LABEL for label in returns and loopsKT-61223
JDK 21: new addFirst/addLast and putFirst/putLast methods allow adding nullable value for non-null typesKT-66742
Supertypes with inaccessible type arguments are allowedKT-62906
Type system: consider changing simple type & DNN type relationKT-70104
Update the error message for calling super Java interface methods caseKT-69794
K2: Wrong target is reported for EXPOSED_SUPER_INTERFACE diagnosticKT-70724
False-positive UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE for inline constructor with late-initialized variablesKT-70749
False-positive UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE for inline fun with crossinline modifierKT-65805
Migrate builtins serializer to K2KT-71004
FirSignatureEnhancement#enhance mutates attributes on the original functionKT-70813
Questionable behavior for calls on ILT receiversKT-70208
'when' is not exhaustive for expect BooleanKT-69210
Native: tune LLVM optimization pipelineKT-70753
K2: Missing non-null assertion on the return value of try-catch blockKT-70012
EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER shouldn't be reported for actual declarationsKT-70837
K2. "Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource" on incorrect call with extension funKT-66751
Implement a general deprecation of types with inaccessible type argumentsKT-68748
K2: RemoveirFactory
Range for MUST_BE_INITIALIZED shouldn't include property annotationsKT-63294
Do not use duplicated compiler argument names across the codebaseKT-70673
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable Boolean as subjectKT-70672
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable Enum as subjectKT-69207
Native: use lld when the compiler produces binaries for a Linux targetKT-67696
Native: compiler crashes when loading an LLVM bitcode file of unsupported versionKT-69767
K2: Investigate differences in tests without alias behavior for cyclic expansionKT-70617
K2: ClassCastException caused by Java enum with overriddenname
Non-first invoke operator calls break chained calls of convention operators after safe navigation operatorKT-67772
K2: Metadata misses NoInfer annotation for unsafeCast resultKT-70304
[FIR2IR] Missing@NoInfer
K2: Get rid of special check for unresolved array literals on argument mapping phaseKT-65066
K1 crashes, K2 doesn't report type mismatch on array literal inside nested annotation callKT-49235
Kotlin interface limited to 1000 super typesKT-69991
K2/JVM: Backend crash with functional types and KFunctionsKT-7461
Forbid using projection modifiers inside top-level Array in annotation's value parameterKT-52315
Legacy keywords (header, impl) break enum definitionsKT-69499
Native: aggressive inline of runtime procedures causes compiler crash in debug buildsKT-69737
Native: incompatible target-cpu attributes between runtime and Kotlin codeKT-69911
Unexpected line numbers in default setterKT-61529
K2: Unexpected FirClassLikeSymbol null with -no-jdkKT-69475
K2: No "Name contains illegal characters" for package name with dots insideKT-69484
Native: remove default values forisObjectType
K2: False-negative CONFLICTING_UPPER_BOUNDS onNothing
K2: investigate implicit cast generation in fir2ir vs psi2irKT-70036
[FIR2IR] Fix param name in overridden setterKT-68718
[JVM] Generic function is instantiated with wrong type argumentKT-67983
K2: False negative "Recursive type alias in expansion" at recursive typealiasesKT-70328
stored in the metadata despite the Source retentionKT-70313
K2: Don't addAny
supertype tokotlin.Nothing
compiled from sourcesKT-69982
K2: New errors when executing:kotlin-stdlib:jvmJar
K2: implement a deprecation error for Synchronized, Throws, JvmField on annotation parametersKT-67651
K2: inconsistency in behavior for SAM constructor with flexible typeKT-63857
K2: Extraoperator
modifier in metadataKT-70182
K2: Set upisOperator
flag according to operator naming conventions during building synthetic overrides for Java methodsKT-20798
Implement a deprecation warning for reified modifier on type parameters of type aliasKT-68697
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: NSEE “List is empty.” when method reference is used in some place in codeKT-70157
K2: false positive JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS for a Java private classKT-68702
K2 IDE: AE “SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!” on evaluating of supermethods toString() and hashCode()KT-69509
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: exception in lowering ReplaceKFunctionInvokeWithFunctionInvoke when compiling code fragmentKT-66323
K2: Clarify contracts ofConeSubstitutorByMap
K2: False positive "Redundant visibility modifier" with explicitApi()KT-65815
K2: False-positive NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION_WITH_BLOCK_BODY with inline function returning Nothing?KT-60508
K2/stdlib: compilation of common code fails if built-in types are provided as platform sourcesKT-70037
K2: Generate IR body forAny
constructor despite that fact it's emptyKT-69870
K2: False positive NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER for override without default but base with default and with enabled KMPKT-69599
K2: Investiage and fix lots ofUNRESOLVED_REFERENCE
during building stdlib native with K2KT-68375
K2: FirPrimaryConstructorSuperTypeChecker fails on generated superclassesKT-58309
Deal with test failures inside FirTypeEnhancementTestGeneratedKT-27112
Implement prohibition of exposing types via type parameters' boundsKT-69831
Add long FastJarFS tests to thenightlyFirCompilerTest
K2: Unintentional behavior caused by InferMoreImplicationsFromBooleanExpressionsKT-59814
K2: Explore whyFirDataFlowAnalyzer
strips away value parameters of non top-level-functionsKT-69069
K2: expect overloads are deprioritized in common codeKT-69511
KJS / K2: False positive IMPLICIT_BOXING_IN_IDENTITY_EQUALS when comparing dynamic with primitiveKT-69500
Native: introduce an option to inline less "ALWAYS_INLINE" runtime proceduresKT-69717
K2: Don't callconeType
extensions onFirResolvedTypeRef
K2/Java: investigate constructor own type parameters enhancementKT-69871
K2 allows modifier keywords onpackage
Frontend: "The label does not denote a loop." error message is used even if the label does denote a loopKT-69768
K2: Investigate differences in tests without alias behavior with typealias to enum entryKT-63846
K2: incorrect type argument inferred for smart cast value of a generic typeKT-69774
Don't report overload resolution ambiguity if extension receiver contains error typeKT-61316
K2: Consider throwing exception when replaceType is called on special FirExpressions with immutable typesKT-69201
Discard expect candidate in overload conflict resolver if there is no actualKT-69557
K2: Investigate failures with enabled assertion inConeResolvedAtom
K2: Make FirTypeProjection sealedKT-68000
Investigate getting container functions in checkersKT-69649
K2: Cleanup various utilities abouttoSymbol
K2: Prepare a test runner for diagnostic tests with type aliases non-expanded automaticallyKT-69390
UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE on call with lambda argument turns whole call redKT-68794
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: ISE “No real overrides for FUN FAKE_OVERRIDE name:privateFun visibility:private modality:FINAL” on calling private function from superclass in debuggerKT-69315
FirJavaGenericVarianceViolationTypeChecker: StackOverflowErrorKT-49962
"Visibility inherited is not allowed in forVisibility" when analyzing broken fileKT-24212
Report "This class shouldn't be used in Kotlin" on calling constructor of Java class with Kotlin analogKT-64195
K2: Consider makeFirAnonymousInitializer. containingDeclarationSymbol
not nullKT-64254
"Projections are not allowed on type arguments of functions and properties": Type-project type arguments of propertiesKT-40533
Error message PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER for interface property is not fully correctKT-20014
Improve diagnostics for lateinit property without initializer and type annotationKT-51366
False positive error "Value class cannot extend classes" when extending generic interface with wrong number of type argumentsKT-68277
K2: false positive UNREACHABLE_CODE for non-localreturn
K2: Mapped Java@Target
annotation's vararg argument has swapped type and elementTypeKT-68998
K2: Refactor postponed atomsKT-69288
Native: Apple LLVM 16 fork can't read bitcode with memory attribute produced by upstream LLVM 16KT-67808
K2: Inconsistent properties initialization analysis in init blocks in presence of smartcast on thisKT-69035
K2: Investigate potential removal of FirManglerKT-69473
Missing suspend-conversion for lambda in the last statement of when with expected typeKT-64640
Prevent mutating SequenceCollection methods from JDK 21 be available on read-only collectionsKT-65441
K1: Remove JDK 21 getFirst()/getLast() in (Mutable)List interfacesKT-54792
Store program order of properties inside@kotlin
K2: Fix the TODO about merging values for labels in UnusedCheckerCompose compiler
New features
Added the PausableComposition feature flags83c48a0
Decoy support for JS target is removed from Compose compilerFixes
iOS compilation failure: Unresolved reference 'copy'CMP-6842
FAKE_OVERRIDE declarations are not preserved in metadata and should not be marked with annotationsCMP-6788
non-private field compilation warnings (stableprop & ComposableSingletons)CMP-6685
Native/WASM compilation failure on Composable function with value-type arg + returnb/376058538
Fix stack overflow when inferring stability of indirect generic loopb/339322843
Transform @Composable property delegate referencesb/366040842
Replace deep copy in Compose plugin with in-place type mutationb/329477544
Force open / overridden Composable functions to be non-restartable.b/361652128
Disable live literal transform if the corresponding flag is disabledb/325004814
[Compose] Fix infinite recursion in target analysisb/357878245
Disallow open @Composable functions with default params to fix binary compatibility issues.b/338597078
[Compose] Fix target warning messageb/351858979
Fix stability inferencing of interfaces on incremental compilationb/346821372
[Compose] Fix code generation for group optimizationb/339311821
Give warning when stability configuration file is not foundb/346821372
Fixes group generation for if statements when nonSkippingGroupOptimization is enabled.IDE. Gradle Integration
[Multiplatform Import] Ensure consistency betweenGradleImportProperties
IR. Actualizer
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: java annotation element isn't actualizedKT-71597
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: it is possible to actualize a function with default parametersKT-71592
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: constructor of nested class can't be actualizedKT-71577
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: method can be actualized by java static methodKT-69632
K2: Expect actual mismatch on actualization with alias to expect classKT-71817
Actualization of static members is broken for non-JVM platformsIR. Inlining
New Features
Set the right visibility for synthetic accessors in SyntheticAccessorLoweringFixes
Implement an IR validation check that ensures that all IrFields are private on non-JVM backendsKT-69307
Source offsets seem incorrect after IR inliningKT-72884
Internal error in body lowering: IllegalStateException: Can't inline given reference, it should've been loweredKT-71659
IR Inliner fails to inline function expressions due to implicit cast from the 1st phase of inliningKT-69681
IR: Report warnings on exposure of private types in non-private inline functionsKT-72521
Kotlin/Native: java.lang.AssertionError: kfun:androidx.compose.runtime#access$<get-androidx_compose_runtime_ProvidedValue$stable>$p$tComposerKt(){}kotlin.IntKT-72623
Don't generate synthetic accessors in files other than the one being loweredKT-70420
Enable double-inlining in Native & JS backends by defaultKT-67292
Handling assertions before the IR inlinerKT-70423
KLIB: SyntheticAccessorLowering - generate static factory functions instead of synthetic constructorsKT-69565
Don't generate synthetic accessors for private symbols inside local classesKT-69787
Handle clashes of synthetic accessors generated for top-level callablesKT-71137
Generate synthetic accessors for backing fieldsKT-67172
Native & JS: Introduce OuterThisInInlineFunctionsSpecialAccessorLoweringKT-64865
Explicitly generate accessors for private declarations in inline functionsKT-71657
K/JS: Double-inlining causes failures in IC with top-level synthetic accessorsKT-71078
Inline all functions in local classes at the 1st stage of inliningKT-69802
Don't extract local classes from inline functions in double inlining modeKT-66508
IR inliner: Add implicit cast for initializer of temporary variablesKT-66507
IR inliner: Enable implicit casts in all KLib backendsKT-69466
IrInlinedFunctionBlock: Refactor it to make it possible to serialize in KLIBsKT-69317
IR Inlining. Try to place inlined arguments outsideIrInlinedFunctionBlock
Common Native/JS lowering prefix at the 2nd phase of compilationKT-69172
Implement double-inlining for NativeKT-67304
Keep in common prefix: Shared variables + local classes in inline lambdasKT-67170
ArrayConstructorReferenceLowering is missing in NativeKT-70583
Internal error in body lowering: java.lang.IllegalStateException: An attempt to generate an accessor after all accessors have been already added to their containersKT-69700
use sites survive after the inlinerKT-69462
Support dumping IR after inlining in compiler testsKT-70693
IR: replace IrReturnableBlock.inlineFucntion with IrInlinedFunctionBlock.inlineFucntionKT-70763
IR inline: consider storing stub_for_inline as an inlined function for callable referenceKT-69168
Wrap assertion calls before IR inlinerKT-69167
Create intrinsics in stdlib for handling assertions in KLIB-based backendsKT-69169
Expand assertion intrinsics in backend based on CLI parametersKT-69174
Implement the basic Synthetic Accessors Lowering for KLIB-based backendsIR. Interpreter
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: InterpreterError “Unsupported number of arguments for invocation as builtin function: INT_MAX_POWER_OF_TWO” during evaluationIR. Tree
Report warning on cross-file IrGetField operations generated by compiler pluginsKT-68789
Prepare tests for testing visibility (non-)violation in inlined IRKT-71826
stdlib fails to compile with-Xserialize-ir=all
IR: remove ability to apply compiler plugins during KAPT stub generation phaseKT-67752
Make copyRemappedTypeArgumentsFrom and transformValueArguments methods in DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbols protected instead of privateKT-68151
Setup testing visibility of referenced declarations in IRKT-68988
[Tests] Streamline the order of irFiles in IR- and Kotlin-like dumpsKT-65773
Auto generate IR implementation classesKT-70330
Automatically keep track of IrValueParameter.indexKT-68495
Compile-time failure on bounded generic value used in a contains-check with rangeKT-68974
Validate scopes of IrValueParameters in IrValidatorJavaScript
New Features
K/JS: Generate arrows in ES6 mode instead of anonymous functionsKT-70283
KJS / ES6: Don't generate bind(this) calls for anonymous functions that capturethis
KJS: toString() method and string interpolation of variable produce different codeKT-70533
KJS: changed string concatenation behavior in 2.0KT-14013
JS toString produces different result for nullable/non-nullable ref to the same arrayKT-72732
KJS / ES6: "SyntaxError: 'super' keyword unexpected here" with enabled-Xir-generate-inline-anonymous-functions
and disabled arrow functionsKT-69408
[JS] Enable insertAdditionalImplicitCasts=true (as in other KLIB-based backends)KT-71821
K/JS tests are failing with coroutines flow and turbine on timeoutKT-31799
Allow non-identifier characters in Kotlin/JS (backquoted properties,@JsName
Coroutine is not intercepted, when the coroutine is started callingstartCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
using callable referenceKT-70117
Generate debug info for code fromjs
ES generator-based coroutines rely on evalKT-67452
K2: Consider hiding dynamic type creation under FlexibleTypeFactory for JS onlyKT-70226
Delete JS tests that were only run with the legacy JS backendKT-71338
K/JS: Add a flag for switching generating arrow functions on & offKT-69173
Implement double-inlining for JSKT-67327
JS: Remove error toleranceKT-69892
Array.isArray() returns false for an instance returned by KtList.asReadonlyArrayView()KT-70231
Delete the org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.dce.K2JSDce classKT-69928
KJS: keys() and values() of KtMap's JS view don't behave as expectedKT-70707
KJS: asJsReadonlyMapView does not implement ReadonlyMap correctlyKT-71220
Fix invalid IrFunctionReference creation in InnerClassConstructorCallsLoweringKT-70393
Investigate failing JS test after switch stdlib compilation to K2KT-64429
K2: Implement KlibJsIrTextTestCaseGenerated for K2KT-69587
[Tests] Fix multi-module deserialization in JS irText testsKT-70219
Delete the org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.K2JSCompiler classKT-70221
Rename org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.K2JsIrCompiler to K2JSCompilerKT-70229
Remove test classes related to the legacy JS backendKT-70359
Remove legacy backend-related test directives from Kotlin/JS testsKT-70362
Clean up Gradle tasks for running JS tests against the legacy JS backendKT-66181
Reorganize JsCodeOutliningLowering and keep it before the IR inlinerKT-30016
JS BE does not generate special bridge methodsKT-68975
KJS: Investigate callingjs(...)
from inline functionsKMM Plugin
AS KMP plugin: ios application can't start for 2024.2.1Klibs
New Features
[KLIB Resolve] Don't skip libraries that happen to have the sameunique_name
Compiler (JS, Wasm): warn about incompatible Kotlin stdlib/compiler pairFixes
[KLIB Resolve] Don't allow working with KLIB "repositories"KT-72965
Ignore subclassOptInRequired constructor warningKT-68792
Bump KLIB ABI version in 2.1KT-67474
K2: Missing@ExtensionFunctionType
in metadata in KLIBsKT-71633
[2.1.0] Suspicious "Argument type mismatch" errorKT-70146
[KLIB Resolve] Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependencyKT-71455
[KLIB Resolve] Forbid passing KLIB unique names via CLIKT-67448
[KLIB Resolve] Deprecate passing KLIB unique names via CLIKT-67450
[KLIB Resolve] Kotlin/Native: Only one implicit repository should remain for the compiler ("dist")KT-70285
Warning about incompatible stdlib (JS/Wasm) is not reported if stdlib is unpackedKT-66218
Clean-up the code for serialization & deserialization of DFGs to & from KLIBsKT-71414
KotlinLibraryResolver.resolveWithDependencies was evolved in binary incompatible wayKT-68195
move KlibMetadataProtoBuf to frondend-independent moduleLanguage Design
: ability to require opt-in for interface implementationKT-54458
Preview of non-local break and continueKT-69924
Mention 'if' guard when '&&' is used incorrectlyKT-71222
from SubclassOptInRequiredKT-67675
Allow usage of Array<Nothing?>KT-70754
Changes in typeOf behaviour for Kotlin/NativeKT-58659
Prohibit implementing a var property with an inherited val propertyLibraries
Performance Improvements
Performance: faster alternative to String.lines()Fixes
Review deprecations in stdlib for 2.1KT-69545
Kotlin/Native: Deprecate API marked with FreezingIsDeprecated to errorKT-56076
K2: build Kotlin standard libraryKT-71660
Stabilize experimental API for 2.1KT-54299
Extract org.w3c declarations to separate library from K/Wasm StdlibKT-68027
Document caveats and deincentivise usage of measureTimeMillisKT-71581
Update outdated documentation to common lazy and provide samplesKT-71796
Improve documentation for Path.walk and Path.visitFileTree functionsKT-68019
Fill in missing package descriptions for standard library documentationKT-52181
Native: Inconsistent behaviour of LinkedHashMap#entries on JVM and NativeKT-71570
Document suspend lambda builderKT-65526
Rewrite builtins as expect-actualKT-68502
K2: Fix or suppress stdlib K2 warningsKT-68731
K2: Handle some formally incompatible expect/actual classes in JVM stdlibKT-70378
Implement custom serialization for UuidKT-70005
K/Wasm and K/Native: IntArray.sort - array element access out of boundsKT-66764
kotlinx-benchmark: rework on kotlin-compiler-embeddableKT-69817
Set up klib binary API validation for stdlibKT-68396
Handle some formally incompatible top-level expects/actuals callablesKT-69524
kotlin.uuid.Uuid: checkHyphenAt - error message always specified index 8KT-69327
[native] FloatingPointParser.initialParse works incorrectly for some inputsKT-46785
Get rid of !! after readLine() in the standard libraryNative
Native: cannot access class 'objcnames.classes.Protocol'KT-49279
Kotlin/Native: update LLVM from 11.1.0 to 16.0.0KT-61299
Native: patch LLVM to prevent it from using signal handlers incompatibly with JVMKT-69637
Native: our LLVM shouldn't advise submitting bugs to the upstreamKT-64636
kotlin.incremental.native=true causes IrLinkageErrorKT-69142
ObsoleteWorkersApi and FreezingIsDeprecated is not displayed on targets in webdocsNative. Build Infrastructure
Update the coroutines version used in kotlin-native build infrastructureKT-69479
Native: remove custom python version building from the LLVM builder container imageKT-63214
[K/N] llvm build script fails with MacOSX14.0.sdk sysrootNative. ObjC Export
IllegalStateException for hashCode(): KClass for Objective-C classes is not supported yetKT-59497
KClass.simpleName returns null in ObjC-inherited classNative. Platform Libraries
Rebuild platform libraries in 2.1.0 with Xcode 16KT-69448
LLVM 16 clang with Xcode 16 headers: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not foundNative. Runtime
Kotlin/Native: Use WritableTypeInfo when creating Swift wrapper from the runtimeKT-70568
Native: revert workaround for debug with LLVM 16KT-67730
Native: fix runtime compilation warnings after update to LLVM 16Native. Runtime. Memory
Native: testRelease_on_unattached_thread sometimes fails with Releasing StableRef with rc 0KT-71401
K/N: CMS barrier can be executed on an unregisterred threadKT-70364
Kotlin/Native: data race during GC initializationKT-68544
[Native] Implement heap dump toolKT-70365
Kotlin/Native: make thread id be pointer sizeNative. Swift Export
New Features
Swift Export: export class member overridesKT-70442
Swift Export: export class inheritanceKT-68864
Refactor internal details of swift-export-standaloneFixes
Swift Export: generate Kotlin<->Swift type mappingKT-70920
Swift Export Nullability: primitive typeKT-71087
Swift Export: Nullability: NeverKT-71086
Swift Export: Nullability: StringsKT-70919
Swift Export Nullability: reference typeKT-71026
Swift Export: function overloading with ref types does not workKT-70960
Swift Export nullability: add nullability to sir and printerKT-70063
Swift export generates invalid Swift code for class and function with the same nameKT-70069
Swift export: filter out extension propertiesKT-70068
Swift export: nullable types are not marked as unsupportedKT-69287
Swift Export: support leaking dependenciesKT-69633
Provide interface for multiple module translationKT-69286
[Swift Export][TestInfra] Support translating multiple rootsKT-69376
Property with Any type does not force addition of importReflection
KotlinReflectionInternalError: Inconsistent number of parameters in the descriptor and Java reflection objectSpecification
Tools. CLI
New Features
Make it possible to suppress warnings globally in compiler (via command-line option)KT-71537
Add JVM target bytecode version 23Fixes
K2: Compilation fails if project version has a commaKT-70179
K2: Building a file with kotlin-test-junit without junit does not include annotationsKT-72311
KotlinCliJavaFileManagerImpl caches empty result and broke repeated analysesKT-61745
K2: support light tree in multi-module chunk modeKT-70885
Errors are not reported for wrong arguments in -Xsuppress-warning flag for non-jvm backendsKT-69541
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected versionNeededToExtract" on using JAR packaged as ZIP64KT-69434
K2: Kotlin compiler JarFS can't handle large dependencies (>2GB)KT-70959
K2: Support legacy metadata jar format in K2 compilerKT-70337
Obsolete code is not removed after refactoring -JvmEnvironmentConfigurator.registerModuleDependencies
Merge CLITool and CLICompiler classesTools. CLI. Native
Kotlin/Native "You have not specified any compilation arguments. No output has been produced" when no source nor-Xinclude
is passedTools. Compiler Plugins
Regression in Kotlin 2.1.0: compilation fails when building iOSKT-72824
Kotlin power-assert plugin StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionKT-71658
Transform top-level atomic properties to Java boxed atomicsKT-65645
Atomicfu-plugin: compilation hangs on a long string concatenationKT-69038
Power-Assert does not display const valsKT-71525
Setting JvmAbiConfigurationKeys.REMOVE_PRIVATE_CLASSES = true triggers java.util.ConcurrentModificationExceptionKT-41888
IrExpression startOffset and endOffset are inconsistent with raw file textKT-69856
Compose Plugin: IrType.erasedUpperBound throws NullPointerException when evaluating IrScript nodes due to missing targetClassKT-69410
PowerAssert: Cannot find overload of requireNotNull without existing messageKT-66293
Atomicfu-plugin: wrong return types for lowered extension functionsKT-69646
PowerAssert: result of array access operator is unalignedKT-70112
Power Assert: multiline assertion supportKT-70504
[atomicfu-plugin] Incremental compilation fails for atomic extensions on JVMKT-70351
K2 CodeGen API exception triggered by a compose compiler plugin lowering transformer for data class exampleKT-70113
Power Assert: tab supportKT-69806
K2: SOE on nested plugin-like annotation in class annotated with itselfKT-69538
jvm-abi-gen: Remove copy$default if data class constructor is private and ConsistentCopyVisibility is usedTools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
on companion object of another@Serializable
Serialization: "You should use ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol" caused by@Serializable
on local generic classTools. Daemon
compileKotlin task reports that daemon has terminated unexpectedlyKT-72530
The daemon has terminated unexpectedly on startup attempt #1 with error code: UnknownTools. Fleet. ObjC Export
ObjCExport: nullable functional type with reference argumentsKT-71022
ObjCExport: enum c keywords translationKT-71082
ObjCExport: KotlinUnit translated as Function1KT-70781
ObjCExport: classifiers and callables type parameters translationKT-70943
ObjCExport: extension orderKT-70840
ObjCExport: duplicated interfacesKT-70642
ObjCExport: translate collection type arguments as idKT-70546
ObjCExport: method generic parameter is lost and translated as idKT-70329
ObjCExport: translation and forward of super generic typesKT-70263
ObjCExport: generic extension supportKT-69685
ObjCExport: extension translated as not extensionKT-70318
ObjCExport: translate companion typeKT-69252
ObjCExport: Get rid of context receivers from ./native/objcexport-header-generatorTools. Gradle
New Features
Expose supplementary compiler warnings via KGPKT-71603
Introduce KotlinJvmExtension and KotlinAndroidExtensionKT-70383
KotlinJvmFactory registerKaptGenerateStubsTask() function should also request compilation task providerKT-65125
Provide basic support for Swift Export in Kotlin Gradle PluginKT-71602
Introduce KotlinTopLevelExtensionKT-69927
Need ability to pass KotlinJvmCompilerOptions to registerKotlinJvmCompileTask()KT-71227
[Compose] Add PausableComposition feature flag to the Compose Gradle PluginKT-68345
'composeCompiler#stabilityConfigurationFile' doesn't allow setting multiple stability configuration filesPerformance Improvements
Use uncompressed KlibsFixes
Add FUS statistics for new Dokka tasksKT-72495
Warn about kotlin-compiler-embeddable loaded along KGPKT-70543
Gradle: create migration guide for those who are using Kotlin compiler classes indirectly available in buildscriptsKT-69329
Compatibility with Gradle 8.9 releaseKT-71291
Log plugins from the list as Gradle pluginsKT-69255
Deprecate KotlinCompilationOutput#resourcesDirProviderKT-61706
Gradle: remove kotlin-compiler-embeddable from build runtime dependenciesKT-73128
Apply Kotlinlang template for partial HTMLsKT-47897
Official Kotlin Gradle plugin apiKT-58858
Add KDoc documentation for Kotlin Gradle plugin APIKT-73076
Kotlin Gradle Plugin API Reference: adjust settingsKT-72387
KGP 2.1.0-RC-227 changes cause KSP to crash calling produceUnpackedKlibKT-53280
Gradle plugin leaks some compiler related extensions into APIKT-69851
Compatibility with Gradle 8.10 releaseKT-65565
Remove deprecated common platform plugin idKT-69719
Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 7.6.3KT-69721
Bump minimal supported Android Gradle plugin version to 7.3.1KT-66944
Relax host requirements on Kotlin klib compilationKT-72651
Unable to usetarget
for KotlinBaseApiPlugin.createKotlin(Jvm/Android)Extension()KT-72467
kotlin.sourceSets extension not added for KotlinBaseApiPlugin.createKotlinAndroidExtension()KT-72303
KGP 2.1.0-Beta2 broke compatibility with KSPKT-68596
Update KGP deprecations before 2.1KT-67951
Update Compose extension KDocKT-66049
KGP JVM: Publishing isn't compatible with isolated projects and project dependenciesKT-71405
Compose compiler gradle plugin: project.layout.file can't be used as a value of the 'stabilityConfigurationFiles' optionKT-71948
KotlinJvmFactory : get rid of replaces with TODO()KT-72092
Gradle: use packed klib variant as the default when no packaging attribute is presentKT-58956
Offer a shared interface for JVM and Android compilerOptions in Project extensionKT-70251
Gradle: hide compiler symbols in KGPKT-70430
Clean-up obsolete Gradle plugin variants for Gradle versions <7.6KT-69853
Compile against Gradle API 8.10KT-69852
Run Gradle integration tests against Gradle 8.10 releaseKT-65990
values for arguments removed from the DSL after 2.1KT-69331
Run tests against Gradle 8.9 releaseKT-69332
Compile against Gradle 8.9 APIKT-67174
Cleanup old Test DSLKT-71071
BuildFusStatisticsIT.testInvalidFusReportDir test failes on WindowsKT-69585
KGP / Composite Build: "Could not apply withXml() to generated POM" during publishingKT-59769
Many "Unexpected exception happened" warnings during build without internet connectionTools. Gradle. Cocoapods
cinterop fails to build klib for iosArm64 target when iOS simulator SDK isn't installedKT-70500
Remove useLibraries from CocoaPods pluginKT-56947
Replace AFNetworking with a smaller library in testsTools. Gradle. JS
K/Wasm: Node.js version per projectKT-71578
KotlinJS. Webpack does not recompile on changes withper-file
[JS, Wasm] Stop collecting information about KLIB IC in Kotlin2JsCompileKT-70621
Move kotlin-test-js-runner out of Kotlin repositoryKT-67442
KJS / Gradle:kotlinStorePackageLock
fails due to OS-dependent lockfile with npm package managerTools. Gradle. Multiplatform
New Features
Add feature flag for Project Isolation and Kotlin MultiplatformKT-70897
Add KotlinBaseApiPlugin.kotlinAndroidExtensionFixes
KGP: Test source set may get duplicated KLIBs of different versionsKT-71209
Drop Hierarchy Template diagnostic about used shortcutsKT-69412
's severity from warning to errorKT-70060
KGP: handleHierarchicalStructureFlagsMigration doesn't support project isolationKT-57280
Expose Kotlin Project Structure metadata via consumable configurations instead of accessing all gradle projects directlyKT-64999
Support Project Isolation with Kotlin Native tasks (XCode integration, Cocoapods etc)KT-64998
Granular Metadata Dependencies Transformation is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-70650
GenerateProjectStructureMetadata is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-71675
checkSandboxAndWriteProtection collides with Compose's syncComposeResourcesKT-66461
Promote compiler options DSL for multiplatform projects to stableKT-69323
Don't pass platform dependencies to metadata compilationKT-72454
Revert changes made in KT-69899 i.e. make = false by default againKT-70380
KMM App failed to consume android binary libKT-71423
Xcode archive missing dSYM files since Kotlin 2.0.20KT-69899
KMP: Publish BuildType by default for android publications with multiple variantsKT-71428
Change deprecation message for KMP target shorcutsKT-58231
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: set deprecation level to Error for KotlinTarget.useDisambiguationClassifierAsSourceSetNamePrefix and overrideDisambiguationClassifierOnIdeImportKT-72068
Distribution for klib cross-compilation is not downloaded during compile tasksKT-70612
Report incompatibility warning when Project Isolation enabled and Included builds are usedKT-71529
Deprecate targetFromPreset API with an errorKT-69614
Deprecate with error ios/tvos/watchos presetsKT-69974
KMP: POM dependency rewriter doesn't work with Included Builds OR dependencySubstitutionKT-69472
Remove IncompatibleAgpVersionTooHighWarning diagnosticKT-64996
Commonize Native Distribution task is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-62911
Export Kotlin Multipaltform Project Coordinates as a secondary variant of apiMetadataElementsKT-70888
Project isolation: Project cannot dynamically look up a property in the parent project at PropertiesProvider.propertiesWithPrefixKT-70688
Move ExperimentalSwiftExportDsl to another packageKT-58298
AndroidAndJavaConsumeMppLibIT maintenance: Convert to new infrastructure and add test for newer AGP versionsKT-68976
K2 IDE: Unresolved FileSystem.SYSTEM from OKIO in shared source setsTools. Gradle. Native
KGP: Kotlin/Native with Isolated Projects: kotlinNativeBundleBuildService cannot be changed any futherKT-72366
KGP 2.1.0-Beta2 doesn't downloadkotlin-native-prebuilt
when running DokkaKT-45559
CInteropProcess: Changes to header files are not recognized; Task is still UP-TO-DATEKT-71051
K/N dependencies are re-downloaded multiple times on WindowsKT-71398
kotlinNativeBundleConfiguration should not contain dependencies on unsupported platformsKT-71722
kotlinNativeBundleConfiguration present in JVM-only Gradle projectKT-55832
Support passing errors to Xcode when configuration cache is enabledKT-70690
not possible to build iOS app with Swift Export and Xcode 16KT-65838
Remove project usage from PlatformLibrariesGeneratorKT-70875
KSP1 native tasks fail on configuration phaseTools. Incremental Compile
IC: "NoSuchFieldError: No instance field". Not tracking changes to Android ViewBinding classTools. JPS
K2: IllegalStateException: Source classes should be created separately before referencingKT-71042
when compiling IntelliJTools. Kapt
K2 KAPT Not picking up use site annontation like K1 KaptKT-69860
K2 kapt: use compiler directly instead of Analysis APIKT-71776
K2 Kapt in 2.1.0-Beta1 fails withe: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FIR symbol "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirValueParameterSymbol" is not supported in constant evaluation
Kapt: check that Kotlin 2.1 language features are ignored correctly by K1 kaptKT-71431
K2KAPT fails on modules without any annotation processorsKT-70600
K2 KAPT: inline reified function has a null signatureKT-70718
Kapt: "error: could not load module " on error type in data class componentKT-69861
Kapt: use IR to obtain line information instead of PSITools. REPL
Kotlin Scripting REPL doesn't support keyboard shortcutsTools. Scripts
K2 / Script: "KotlinReflectionInternalError: Unresolved class:" caused by main.kts script with nested classes and reflectionKT-68545
Using labeledthis
access to implicit receivers fails in scriptsTools. Wasm
Improve the variable view during debugging in Fleet for Kotlin/WasmKT-71506
[Wasm, IC] FUS report for builds with incremental compilationKT-70100
wasmJs Target Fails to Compile on ARM64 LinuxKT-70367
Update binaryen once we get a release with PR 6793KT-67863
K/Wasm: Remove ChromeWasmGcKT-71360
K/JS & K/Wasm: Upgrade NPM dependenciesKT-70297
Wasm: Incorrect kotlinJsTestRunner version set in Multi-Project Builds with mixed kotlin-stdlibsv2.0.21
: Kotlin 2.0.21Compare Source
Apple Ecosystem
Xcode 16 support in KotlinBackend. Native. Debug
lldb: step out breaks breaking in Xcode 16Compiler
K2: Static fields are missing from the declaration list of corresponding IrClass for java classKT-71122
Regression in Kotlin Compiler 2.0 causing NPE in the runtimeKT-70931
K2 / Scripts: "cannot convert IrExpression to ConstantValue" when using function annotationKT-70584
K2: "IllegalStateException: flow for PostponedLambdaExitNode not initialized - traversing nodes in wrong order?"KT-70808
K2: "node has already been visited" with anonymous object in dead codeKT-69985
K2: Classifier declarations from root package are resolved without imports in non-root packagesKT-70683
K2: Internal compiler error in IrFakeOverrideSymbolBase.getOwnerKT-70901
False positive Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API property accessorKT-70930
K2: Java annotations not present on ENUM_ENTRY IR elementsKT-70194
K2 IDE: exception on a very red fileKT-69399
Native: IllegalStateException: "Failed to build cache"Compose compiler
Force open / overridden Composable functions to be non-restartable.b/361652128
Disable live literal transform if the corresponding flag is disabledIR. Actualizer
IR crash. UnprocessedIrFunctionFakeOverrideSymbol
when actualize to JavaIR. Tree
SymbolTable: Check if the provided signature is public before adding a symbol to the SymbolTableNative. Build Infrastructure
K/N runtime parts don't build due to _Float16 issues on x86_64 macOSNative. C Export
LLVM 11 clang with Xcode 16 headers: standard c++ headersNative. C and ObjC Import
Investigate why stdarg.h declarations leak into testModuleANative. Platform Libraries
LLVM 11 clang with Xcode 16 headers: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not foundKT-71624
Eliminate remaining UIKit/AppKit removed signaturesKT-70031
Rebuild platform libraries in 2.0.21 with Xcode 16Native. Testing
C++ with -fmodules: cyclic dependency in module 'std': std -> _wctype -> __wctype -> std in dev llvm toolchainsTools. CLI. Native
KotlinNativeLink tasks fetching from network despite -Xoverride-konan-properties=dependenciesUrl= being setTools. Compiler Plugins
PowerAssert: Constant on RHS of elvis operator leads to compiler crashTools. Daemon
Get rid of the native-platform usage in kotlin compilerTools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Certain POMs produced by Kotlin 2.0.20 cannot be consumed by KMP projects with Android targetsKT-70700
Gradle 8.10: The value for task ':commonizeNativeDistribution' property 'kotlinNativeBundleBuildService' cannot be changed any furtherKT-71396
Gradle client side JVM explodes with OOM due to xcodebuild logsTools. Gradle. Native
Light bundle KGP IT run against a stable K/N versionTools. JPS
Constant build failure: storage is already closedv2.0.20
: Kotlin 2.0.20Compare Source
Analysis. API
New Features
Analysis API: support KtWhenConditionInRange call resolutionPerformance Improvements
K2: do not call redundant resolve on body resolution phase for classesFixes
Analysis API: KtDestructuringDeclarationSymbol#entries shouldn't be KtLocalVariableSymbolKT-67748
K2: AllCandidatesResolver modifies the original FirDelegatedConstructorCallKT-68198
Analysis API: Support application service registration in plugin XMLsKT-62936
Analysis API: NativeForwardDeclarationsSymbolProvider is not supported for Kotlin/NativeKT-68689
LL API: support analysis from builtins moduleKT-69630
KAPT User project builds with KAPT4 enabled fail with Metaspace overflowKT-65417
K2 IDE: KTOR false positive expect-actual matching error on enum class because of implicit clone() in non-JVM source setsKT-68882
Analysis API: RefactorKaSymbol
K2 IDE: KTOR unresolved serializer() call for@Serializable
class in common codeKT-67996
Analysis API: rename Kt prefix to KaKT-67775
Analysis API: expose only interfaces/abstract classes for the user surfaceKT-68009
K2: lowering transformers of Compose compiler plugin access AbstractFir2IrLazyFunction modality, which results in null point exceptionKT-68918
collectCallCandidates works incorrectly for parenthesis invokeKT-68462
Analysis API: Integrateproject-structure
module intoanalysis-api
AA: "provideDelegate" operator is not resolved from the delegation reference in FIR implementationKT-69055
Analysis API: StabilizeKaScope
K2 IDE. "FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is null" on incorrect string templateKT-68959
Introduce KaSeverityKT-53669
Analysis API: redesign KtSymbolOrigin to distinguish kotlin/java source/library declarationsKT-68846
Mark KaFirReference and all implementations with internal modifierKT-68845
Move KaSymbolBasedReference to resolution packageKT-68844
Move KaTypeProjection to types packageKT-65849
K2: Rename 'high-level-api' family of JARs to 'analysis-api'KT-62540
Remove uses of TypeInfo.fromString and TypeInfo.createTypeText from Kotlin pluginKT-62889
on not available type alias with available underlying typeKT-68155
Analysis API: Add PSI validity check toanalyze
Analysis API: fix binary incopatibility problems cause byKtAnalysisSessionProvider.analyze
being inlineKT-68498
To get reference symbol the one should be KtSymbolBasedReferenceKT-68393
Analysis API: RenameKaClassLikeSymbol. classIdIfNonLocal
Analysis API: rename KtCallableSymbol.callableIdIfNonLocal -> callableIdKT-66712
K2 IDE. SOE on settings string template for string variable with the same nameKT-65892
K2: "We should be able to find a symbol" for findNonLocalFunctionKT-68273
AA: supportKtFirKDocReference#isReferenceToImportAlias
AA: KtFirReference.isReferenceToImportAlias doesn't work for references on constructorKT-66996
Analysis API: Expose the abbreviated type of an expandedKtType
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirUserTypeRefImpl from FirJsHelpersKt.isExportedObjectKT-68203
K2: Analysis API: wrong type of receiver value in case of imported object memberKT-68031
LL resolve crash in case of PCLA inference with local objectKT-67851
always returns false for references to Java gettersKT-68076
AA: use type code fragments for import alias detectionKT-65915
K2: Analysis API: extract services registration into xml fileKT-68049
Analysis API: do not expose imported symbolsKT-68075
K2: Analysis API: Type arguments for delegation constructor to java constructor with type parameters not supportedKT-65190
AA: reference to the super type is not resolvedKT-68070
AA: KtExpressionInfoProvider#isUsedAsExpression doesn't work for KtPropertyDelegateKT-67743
K2: Stubs & AbbreviatedTypeAttributeKT-67706
K2: "KtDotQualifiedExpression is not a subtype of class KtNamedDeclaration" from UnusedCheckerKT-68021
Analysis API: do not break the diagnostic collection in a case of exception from some collectorKT-67973
AA FIR: wrong KtCall modeling for == from type boundKT-67949
AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not reported as used by KtFirImportOptimizerKT-67988
AA: functional type at receiver position should be wrapped in parenthesisKT-66536
Analysis API: ContextCollector doesn't provide implicit receivers from FirExpressionResolutionExtensionKT-67321
AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not resolvedKT-64158
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for KtParameter"KT-60344
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign value to param named getParamKT-64599
K2: "expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable" for unfinished if statementKT-60330
K2 IDE. ".KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expectcreateKtCall
to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign or compare true with somethingKT-66672
K2 IDE. False positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE on accessing private subclass as type argument in parent class declarationKT-67750
Analysis API: Removeinfix
modifiers from type equality and subtyping functionsKT-67655
Analysis API: declare a rule how to deal with parameters in KtLifetimeOwnerKT-61775
Analysis API: KtKClassAnnotationValue lacks complete type informationKT-67168
K2: Analysis API: Rendering is broken for JSR-305 enhanced Java typesKT-66689
Analysis API: KtFirPackageScope shouldn't rely on KotlinDeclarationProvider for binary dependencies in standalone modeKT-60483
Analysis API: add isTailrec property to KtFunctionSymbolKT-67472
K2: Analysis API FIR: KtFunctionCall misses argument with desugared expressionsKT-65759
Analysis API: Avoid hard references toLLFirSession
in session validity trackersKT-60272
K2: Implement active invalidation ofKtAnalysisSession
K2: Analysis API: support classpath substitution with library dependencies in super type transformerKT-67265
K2: status phase should resolve original declarations in the case of classpath subsitutionKT-67244
K2: StackOverflowError in the case of cyclic type hierarchy and library classpath substitutionKT-67080
K2: clearer contract for lazyResolveToPhaseWithCallableMembersKT-66713
K2 FIR: Expose a way to get the module name used for name manglingKT-61892
KtType#asPsiType could provide nullability annotationsKT-66122
Analysis API: PassKtTestModule
instead ofTestModule
to tests based onAbstractAnalysisApiBasedTest
Analysis. Light Classes
K2: IDE K2: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.symbols.pointers.KtFirClassLikeSymbolPointer pointer already disposed"KT-65835
for a companion object instead ofCompanion
SLC: Constructors of sealed classes should be privateKT-68696
-related stuffKT-68404
SLC: wrong binary resolution to declaration with@JvmName
LC: no arg constructor is not visible in light classesKT-66687
Symbol Light Classes: Duplicate field names for classes with companion objectsKT-66804
Symbol Light Classes: Fields from the parent interface's companion are added to DefaultImplsApple Ecosystem
Cinterop tasks fails if Xcode 15.3 is usedBackend. Native. Debug
Native: after updating to LLVM 16 lldb hangs when smooth steppingBackend. Wasm
To much sources that don't exist inside SourceMap fileKT-69529
compileProductionExecutableKotlinWasmJs FAILED: No such value argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl: 1 (total=1)KT-68088
Wasm: "UNREACHABLE executed at Precompute.cpp:838" running gradle task wasmJsBrowserDistribution for compose multiplatform on WindowsKT-65798
K/Wasm: make an error on default export usageKT-68828
Wasm test failure. expect-actual. private constructor in expectKT-68453
K/Wasm: "Supported JS engine not detected" in Web WorkerKT-64565
Kotlin/wasm removeEventListener function did not remove the event listenerKT-65322
[Wasm] Clean-up bootstrap codeKT-66099
Wasm: local.get of type f64 has to be in the same reference type hierarchy as (ref 686) @+237036KT-63230
prints 'ul'Compiler
New Features
Consider non-functional type constraints for type variable which is an expected type for lambda argumentKT-68969
Consider implementing general "redundant interpolation prefix" warningKT-57872
Improve "Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" checkKT-68165
Native: type checks on generic types boundaryKT-67611
Implement improved handling of $ in literalsKT-67787
Implement guard conditions for when-with-subjectKT-39868
Allow access to protected consts and fields from a super companion objectKT-66169
lacks acontract
Introduce an ability to enforce explicit return types for public declarations without enabling Explicit API modeKT-65841
Allow to actualize expect types in kotlin stdlib to builtins in JVMKT-53834
Support for JSpecify@NullUnmarked
Performance Improvements
K2: Slow compilation when star projecting mutually recursive bounds from javaKT-69723
K2: code analysis taking too longKT-69898
K2: Performance degradation in fir2ir caused by changes around intersection typesKT-68034
Devirtualization analysis fails to devirtualize string.getFixes
IR Evaluator: NoSuchFieldException when accessing a private delegated propertyKT-35305
"Overload resolution ambiguity" on function for unsigned types (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong)KT-69211
K2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed requirementKT-68874
Types with different captured types as type arguments are rendered incorrectlyKT-66086
K/N: Unchecked illegal cast is not thrownKT-70186
Kotlin 2.0.20-Beta2: Unexpected number of type arguments: 0KT-68889
K2: type variable should not be fixedKT-69835
K2 / Native: kotlin.native.binary.gc=cms throws library cached but its dependency isn't errorKT-70417
K2: Returning from an in-place lambda doesn't compileKT-69773
K2: "Overload resolution ambiguity between candidate" with arraysKT-60261
K2: No origin is set for composite assignment operatorsKT-15388
Forbid delegated property to have external getter/setterKT-70238
K2: false negative VOLATILE_ON_VALUE for constructor propertiesKT-68669
K2: Generate inherited delegated members after actualizationKT-63828
K2: Missingsignature
metadata for accessors of properties inherited from delegateKT-63871
K2: different value ofisNotDefault
flag for property inherited from delegateKT-67119
Migration warning from context receivers to context parametersKT-68997
K2: "No accessor found" for an inline value class when query the value of a delegated class by reflectionKT-64106
Native: the compiler allows using-opt
at the same timeKT-69766
K2: False negative: Internal setter of generic class is accessible from another moduleKT-68364
JVM: ISE "Bad exception handler end" on a non-local break/continue inside try with finallyKT-69494
StackOverflowError in CfgTraverserKt.getPreviousCfgNodesKT-56880
K2. Conflicting overloads for main() isn't shown when language version is set to 2.0KT-69282
K2: equality of unsigned types with nullability works incorrectlyKT-68492
JVM IR backend: IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Non-reified type parameter under ::class should be rejected by type checker” on evaluating private generic functionKT-70039
K2: inconsistent stability of vals of captured receiversKT-44139
Don't report overload resolution ambiguities if arguments contain an error typeKT-68996
K2: "Not enough information to infer type argument" caused by typealias annotation with fixed generic argumentKT-55851
K2: reference to a field from package private class crashes in runtimeKT-65038
K2: Type alias from indirect dependency causesMISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS
Native: remove support for bitcode embeddingKT-67693
Implement checkers for K1 compiler which will check the usage of K2 new features and report that they are not supported in K1 compilerKT-68556
K2: false negative PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER on uninitialized property without typeKT-60445
K2/Java: investigate possible symbol clash while enhancing Java class type parameter boundsKT-64193
K2: No smartcast with two boolean expressions in a rowKT-65546
K2. implement extended checker for unused anonymous parameter in lambdaKT-68358
is missing on value parameter type after inheritance by delegation with strict JSpecify enabledKT-67791
False negative "Synchronizing by Meters is forbidden" with inline value classesKT-69495
k2: inconsistent output of unsigned number in string templatesKT-69619
K2. JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH when Kotlin out generic type used in JavaKT-69563
trying to call.source
results in exceptionKT-69611
Internal annotation FlexibleArrayElementVariance is written to output jarKT-69463
K2: false negative SUPER_CALL_WITH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS with expect/actual declarationsKT-68724
K2: "ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" caused by open modifier on interfaceKT-69182
K2: OptIn on enum companion blocks enum constantsKT-69191
K2: "Unresolved reference" caused by nested data objectsKT-69569
Wrong paths when one type has multiple annotated argumentsKT-55128
Wrong type path in type annotations when type arguments are compiled to wildcardsKT-67692
Native: support LLVM opaque pointers in the compilerKT-69402
FirSupertypeResolverVisitor: ConcurrentModificationExceptionKT-69062
K1: false-negative "unsupported feature" error on multi-dollar interpolationKT-68967
Consider demoting warnings about multi-dollar interpolation to IJ inspectionsKT-68957
False-negative diagnostics about multi-dollar interpolation on string literals without interpolationKT-69476
False negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN on when over intersection type with expect enum/sealed classKT-67069
K2: Delegated member calls interface method instead of fake overrideKT-63864
K2: Missing abbreviated type in metadataKT-59833
K2: Stop modifying values of enum entriesKT-69421
K2: Resolve changed from delegated function to java default functionKT-69392
K2: "UNSAFE_CALL": when with some variable subjects does not smartcast the variableKT-69053
K2: Unsupported intersection overrides for fieldsKT-69227
K2: "Argument type mismatch" caused by generic typealias and upper boundKT-31371
NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_IN_INLINE: incorrect error message for local inline functionKT-49473
PROTECTED_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE_ERROR: specialize error message for 'inline' propertyKT-49474
NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE: specialize error message for 'inline' propertyKT-49503
SUPER_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE_ERROR: specialize error message for 'inline' propertyKT-11302
On inapplicable '@JvmStatic
' annotation, highlight only the annotation, not the function signatureKT-59510
K2: do not render annotations in the deprecation diagnosticKT-68532
"This code uses error suppression for 'INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME'. While it might compile and work, the compiler behavior is UNSPECIFIED and WON'T BE PRESERVED"KT-68859
K2: unable to suppress only "JAVA_MODULE_DOES_NOT_EXPORT_PACKAGE"KT-68469
[K2] MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS caused by redundant@file
K2: Unify the style of FIR generator with IR and SIR tree-generatorsKT-66061
Kotlin/Native - building shared module for iOS - Argument list too longKT-49420
Suspicious behaviour of frontend in case of DefinitelyNotNull type overloadKT-59752
K2: "Conflicting overloads" if function with same signature added to different contextsKT-68618
K1: Unresolved reference for qualified this in implicit typeKT-25341
NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_IN_INLINE reported over anonymous object borderKT-69215
K2: IllegalArgumentException for delegated function in anonymous object with captured type parametersKT-69044
Destructuring declaration shouldn't be possible in declaration in whenKT-69028
on builtins declarations if common source-set is not presentedKT-15704
Rethink usage of term "type annotation" in error messagesKT-68970
K2. Argument type mismatch caused by out projection in inferred type from if - elseKT-68800
K2: Smart cast fails with "Unresolved reference" when@Suppress
("UNCHECKED_CAST") used in statementKT-68968
K2: Missing ILLEGAL_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_CALL diagnostic in initialization code of a local class inside suspend functionKT-68336
K2 does not seem to pass the right constructor arguments to custom scriptsKT-68517
"IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound" for actual class containing non-actual functionsKT-59678
K2: InvestigateConeKotlinType.unCapture()
K2: InitializeFirStdlibBuiltinSyntheticFunctionInterfaceProvider
in library sessionKT-62818
K2: improve VAR_OVERRIDDEN_BY_VAL diagnostic messageKT-68214
Rename TypeApproximatorConfiguration properties for clarityKT-68093
Implement deprecation of smartcasts on class-delegated propertiesKT-67270
Native: report more performance metrics from the compilerKT-68621
DATA_CLASS_INVISIBLE_COPY_USAGE false negative for inline funKT-68568
K2: False-positive ACCIDENTAL_OVERRIDE caused by missing dependency classKT-66723
K2: NO_ACTUAL_CLASS_MEMBER_FOR_EXPECTED_CLASS for actual typealias that extends to Java class with complicated hierarchy that includes default methodKT-69000
Can't render constructor of intersection typeKT-68849
K2: "ClassCastException: cannot be cast to kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2" caused by passing lambda to SAM constructor resultsKT-61744
Native: -Xsave-llvm-ir-after fails to check errors from LLVMPrintModuleToFileKT-67103
Support AbbreviatedTypeAttribute for aliased types from the source codeKT-63921
K2: different representation of recursive type aliasesKT-68679
K2: "Override has incorrect nullability in its signature compared to the overridden declaration" caused by subclass of Android HashMapKT-64335
K2: improve rendering of captured types in diagnostic messagesKT-68820
K2: "Unresolved reference" on calling function with "contract" nameKT-67933
K2: no conversion between fun interfaces if target hassuspend
K2: FirMissingDependencyClassChecker: Not supported: ConeFlexibleTypeKT-68531
K2: False-negative error on assignment to enum entryKT-68446
K2: compile-time failure on smart-casted generic value used as a when-subject in a contains-check with rangeKT-68678
K2: Drop usingFirBuiltinSymbolProvider
while compiling JVM stdlibKT-68382
Get rid of context receivers in FirScript implementationKT-68585
Implement new rules for CFA about enum entriesKT-68110
K2: "Java type mismatch" caused by spring.NullableKT-68613
after fixing KT-67764KT-67764
K2: False negative: Projection problem is not reported inis
Expection on assigning to private field of value typeKT-67801
NSME on evaluating private member function with value class parameterKT-67800
NSME on evaluating private top-level function with value class parameterKT-68542
K2: Fix referecing to@ExtensionFunctionType
if it's declared in sourceKT-68188
K2: Properly support FunctionN creation for stdlib compilationKT-67946
K2: Crash on red code:Instead use FirErrorTypeRef for ERROR CLASS: Cannot infer argument for type parameter T
K2: false-negative inconsistent data class copy visibility warning on call to generic data class copy functionKT-68528
K2: false-positive inconsistent data class copy visibility warning on call to function from another module with identical value parameter types and return typeKT-68525
K2: false-negative inconsistent data class copy visibility warning on callable reference to data class copy functionKT-68617
K2: Secondary constructors in a sealed class have private visibility instead of protected in the generated IRKT-63920
K2: Private secondary sealed class constructor is private in metadata, but protected in K1KT-57996
Usages ofFoo
[]produce only warnings even with
-Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode -Xjspecify-annotations=strict`KT-68207
K2: Investigate if losing ConeIntersectionType.upperBoundForApproximation during approximation leads to any issuesKT-64990
K2: Remove usages of SymbolTable from FIR2IRKT-67798
NSME on assigning to private delegated property of value classKT-68264
K2: confusing INVISIBLE_* error when typealias is involvedKT-68529
K2: false-negative redundant annotation warning on@ExposedCopyVisibility
on data class with public constructorKT-67943
Approximation should not generate types with UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATION errorsKT-67503
K2: False negative "Type Expected" when attempting to annotate a wildcard type argumentKT-68187
K2: Create IrBuiltins in fir2ir only after IR actualizationKT-66443
K2: ArrayIterationHandler doesn't work if UIntArray declared in sourcesKT-68291
K2 / Contracts: Non-existent invocation kind is suggested as a fixKT-68209
K2: Strange import suggestion when lambda body contains invalid codeKT-67368
"NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null" local lambda creates new not-null checks with 2.0.0-Beta5KT-51433
FE 1.0: implement warnings about label resolve changesKT-66554
K2. Drop FIR based fake-override generator from fir2irKT-64202
K2: Drop old methods for calculation of overridden symbols for lazy declarationsKT-67895
K2: Properly implement generation of fake-overrides for fieldsKT-54496
diagnostic disregards compiler pluginsKT-63745
K2: Approximation of DNN with nullability warning attribute leads to attribute incorrectly becoming not-nullKT-63362
AbstractTypeApproximator fixes only first local type in hierarchyKT-67769
K2: "variable must be initialized" on unreachable access in constructorKT-51195
FIR IC: Incremental compilation fails with@PublishedApi
No JVM type annotation is generated on a class supertypeKT-46640
Generate JVM type annotations on wildcard boundsKT-67952
Annotations on type parameters are not generated for parameters other than the firstKT-68012
K2. No'operator' modifier is required on 'component'
error in K2KT-61835
K2: FirStubTypeTransformer receives unresolved expressions in builder inference sessionKT-63596
K1/K2: Different behavior for lambda with different return typeKT-67688
K2: False positive CANNOT_INFER_PARAMETER_TYPE for Unit constraint type variableKT-62080
False positive UNUSED_VARIABLE for variable that is used in lambda and in further code with several conditionsKT-60726
K2: Missed TYPE_MISMATCH error: inferred type non-suspend function but suspend function was expectedKT-41835
[FIR] Green code turns to red in presence of smartcasts and redundant type argumentsKT-67579
K1/JVM: false-negative annotation-based diagnostics on usages of ABI compiled with non-trivially configured generation of default methodsKT-67493
K2: argument type mismatch: actual type is 'T', but 'T' was expectedKT-64900
call inPsiRawFirBuilder.toFirConstructor
forces AST loadKT-67648
K2: wrong exposed visibility errors with WRONG_MODIFIER_CONTAINING_DECLARATION on top-level enum classKT-58686
FIR2IR: Don't use global countersKT-67592
K2: Success execution of:kotlin-stdlib:compileKotlinMetadata
K2: consider forbidding FirBasedSymbol rebindKT-54918
Refactor transformAnonymousFunctionWithExpectedTypeKT-63360
K2: Malformed type mismatch error with functional typeKT-67266
K2: Fix default value parameters of Enum's constructor if it's declared in source codeKT-67378
K2: Don't usewrapScopeWithJvmMapped
for common source setsKT-67738
K2: Introducekotlin.internal.ActualizeByJvmBuiltinProvider
K2: Port *VersionRequirementTest to K2KT-67136
Put $this parameter to LVT for suspend lambdasKT-62538
K2: Declarations inside external classes should be implicitly externalKT-67627
K2: External interface companion isn't external in IRKT-60290
K2: origin is not set for !in operatorKT-67512
K2: false positive WRONG_GETTER_RETURN_TYPE when getter return type is annotatedKT-67635
K2: No warning TYPE_MISMATCH_WHEN_FLEXIBILITY_CHANGES for SAM constructor with inferred typeKT-60501
K2 Scripting: investigate metadata difference between K1 and K2KT-67598
K2: Fix incorrect castingUByte
False positive "non-exhaustive when" in case of intersection typeKT-63969
K2: extra property in metadataKT-63968
K2: extra property in metadata for anonymous variable in scriptKT-67547
K/N can't build caches, fails with "clang++: error=2, No such file or directory"KT-67469
K2: Failing module in FP-intellijKT-64033
K2: Investigate ForbidInferringPostponedTypeVariableIntoDeclaredUpperBoundKT-64457
K2: Fix DecompiledKnmStubConsistencyK2TestGeneratedKT-66377
IR Evaluator: "no container found for type parameter" when evaluating nested genericsKT-66378
IR Evaluator: Symbol is unboundKT-64506
IDE, IR Evaluator: NPE in ReflectiveAccessLowering.fieldLocationAndReceiver when evaluating private static propertiesKT-67380
K2: Don't check forequals
overriding for classAny
K2: Missing type of FirLiteralExpression causes an exception for property initializer type resolutionKT-59813
K2: Fix the TODO aboutfirEffect.source
K2: Fix the TODO aboutmerge(other)
K2: Change positioning strategy forWRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS
The inline processor cannot handle objects inside the lambda correctly when calling an inline function from another moduleKT-30696
NoSuchMethodError if nested anonymous objects are used with propagation reified type parameterKT-58966
Incorrect type inference for parameters with omitted type of anonymous function that is being analyzed as value of function type with receiverKT-67458
for JVM backend lowering phasesKT-65647
K2 ignores diagnostics on sourcelessFirTypeRef
K2: Rename FirAugmentedArraySetKT-67394
FIR: Make FIR repr of For from PSI and LightTree the sameKT-66724
K2 IDE. False positive errors because of wrong type inference in complex case of delegated property and type argumentsKT-40248
Confusing error message NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION_WITH_BLOCK_BODYKT-66947
K2: false-positive JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on Java wildcard type argument with same base type but different nullabilities as upper and lower boundsKT-66974
K2: false-negative JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on nullable projection of Java wildcard type argument with non-null bounds in out-positionKT-66946
K2: false-negative JSpecify nullability enhancement warning on Java wildcard type argument with nullable upper bound in out-positionKT-66442
K2: No visibility error on importing private aliasesKT-66598
K2: Allow comparisons,is
-checks and casts between Kotlin and platform typesKT-55966
K2: Not enough information to infer type variable K if smartcast is usedKT-64894
OPT_IN_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_MARKER diagnostic message is unclearKT-67019
K2: IR has incorrect EQ origins for some inplace updating operatorsKT-59810
K2: Support other ConstraintPosition-sKT-55383
K1/K2: isClassTypeConstructor behaves differently for stub typesKT-60089
K2: Refactor ExpectActualCollectorKT-62929
K2: investigate if guessArrayTypeIfNeeded is necessary in annotation loaderKT-65642
K2: IR: Array access desugaring doesn't have originsKT-24807
No smartcast to Boolean in subject of when-expression when subject type is non-nullableKT-66057
K2: incorrect supertype leads to class declaration being highlighted redKT-63958
K2: drop support of UseBuilderInferenceOnlyIfNeeded=falseKT-63959
K2: treat stub types as non-nullable for isReceiverNullable checkKT-65100
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: support custom 'remove(Int)' handling logic in MutableCollection subclassesCompose compiler
New features
Changed how compiler features being rolled out are enabled and disabled in compiler plugin CLI. Features, such as strong skipping and non-skipping group optimizations are now enabled through the "featureFlag" option instead of their own option.192e556
Strong skipping is now enabled by default842a9e8
Add support for default parameters in abstract and open@Composable
Fixes group generation for if statements when nonSkippingGroupOptimization is enabledb/346821372
generation in early return from inline lambdas that caused start/end imbalanceb/346808602
Stop memoizing lambdas with captured property delegatesb/342557697
Stop capturing parameter meta across crossinline boundaryb/343801379
Propagate annotations from inferred function types when serializingb/345261077
Fix memoization of captureless lambdas when K2 compiler is usedb/340582180
Allow memoizing lambdas in composable inline functionsb/340606661
Fix stability inferencing of interfaces on incremental compilationb/346821372
[Compose] Fix code generation for group optimizationb/357878245
Disallow open@Composable
functions with default params to fix binary compatibility issues.IR. Actualizer
Compiler crash on missing actual classKT-69024
K2: Children of expect annotation with@OptionalExpectation
should be actualizedKT-68742
Allow expect protected to Java protected actualizationKT-66436
K2. Actualizing modCount property with a field in AbstractMutableListKT-68741
Support actualization of AbstractMutableList.modCountKT-68801
Crash on access of fake override of function actualized by fake overrideKT-66307
K2: property fake override isn't generated for protected fieldIR. Inlining
KJS: put ReplaceSuspendIntrinsicLowering after IR inlinerKT-68100
Run IR validation in the beginning and the end of the common prefixKT-69171
Introduce a temporary-X
CLI parameter that enables double-inliningKT-69006
Enable IR visibility checks after IR inliningKT-69183
IR inlining: properly handle defaults that depends on previous value parametersKT-67660
Suspicious package part FQN calculation in InventNamesForLocalClassesKT-68558
Support non-local break/continue in IR inlinerKT-64958
KJS: Put as many as possible lowerings after the inlinerKT-67297
Implement IR deserializer with unbound symbolsIR. Interpreter
Internal error in file lowering: java.lang.AssertionError: Error occurred while optimizing an expression: CALL 'public final fun less (arg0: kotlin.Int, arg1: kotlin.Int): kotlin.Boolean declared in'IR. Tree
Performance Improvements
ForLoopsLowering fails to handle a loop over an imprecise typed iterableFixes
Support validating visibility of referenced declarations in IrValidatorKT-68174
Delete the IrMessageLogger interfaceKT-67082
Introduce attributes on IrElementKT-68716
should remap const typeKT-67650
Add default implementations to methods for non-leaf IrSymbol subclasses from SymbolRemapperKT-67649
Autogenerate IrSymbol interface hierarchyKT-44721
IR: merge IrPrivateSymbolBase and IrPublicSymbolBase hierarchiesKT-67580
Autogenerate SymbolRemapperKT-67457
Introduce a way to simplify IR lowering phase creationKT-67060
NoSuchMethodError for in the FlystoJavaScript
New Features
Kotlin/JS: Add support for collection instantiation in JavaScriptKT-18891
JS: provide a way to declare static members (JsStatic?)Fixes
breaks when interface has type parametersKT-70592
"Error: HttpClientCall expected" on HTTP request when targeting es2015 with KTORKT-67273
Creating Kotlin Collections from JS collectionsKT-65018
JS: Deprecate error toleranceKT-67355
KJS / ES6: 'super' in lambda with enabled-Xir-generate-inline-anonymous-functions
leads to JS errorsKT-69353
KJS / d.ts: Kotlin does not export base collection classes along with their mutable collection counterpartsKT-66898
KJS: Reserved keywords not escaped when-Xir-generate-inline-anonymous-functions
is enabledKT-69710
JS IR generates bad code for inner param default referring to outer membersKT-68632
K2: allow JS_NAME_CLASH suppressionKT-69400
Use correct type for references on local functions when transforming them into lambdaKT-68554
Legalize marker interface as parent for JSO (interface marked with@JsPlainObject
Kotlin/JS 2.0.0 IrLinkageError with dynamic function parameters inside data classesKT-68944
require properties, when type - nullable aliasKT-68891
fails to compile when encountering reserved keywords as interface propertiesKT-69023
KJS / IR:globalThis
is mandatory, breaking older browsers supportKT-68641
KJS: 'export was not found' with per-file mode on case-insensitive filesystemKT-68053
K2: NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE on a typealias of primitive typeKT-62304
K/JS: Investigate the compiler assertion crash in JS FIR with backend testsKT-68620
[wasm][js] Default param in inner class method fails if we are referring generic extension propertyKT-64801
K2 + JS and WASM: Inner with default inner doesn't work properlyKT-67248
ModuleDescriptor in JS Linker contains incorrect friend dependeciesKT-64424
K2: Migrate JsProtoComparisonTestGenerated to K2KT-52602
Kotlin/JS + IR: incompatible ABI version is not reported when no declarations are actually used by a Gradle compilationKT-66092
K/JS & Wasm: .isReified for reified upper bound is wrongly falseKT-67112
Unable to apply@JsStatic
for common sources: [NO_CONSTRUCTOR]KT-62329
KJS: "UnsupportedOperationException: Empty collection can't be reduced" caused by external enum with "@JsExport
K/JS: Executable js file for module-kind=umd contains top level this instead of globalThisKT-64776
Test infra for JS can't process dependency in mpp moduleKT-65076
Use the same instance when a fun interface doesn't capture or capture only singletonsKlibs
Check, that no bad metadata in klib is produced, when we failed to compute constant valueKT-66968
Provide K/N platforms libs for all available targetsKT-66967
Provide K/N stdlib for all available targets in all distributionsKT-66605
[KLIB] Excessive creation ofBaseKotlinLibrary
during resolving libsKT-68824
API 4 ABI: Don't show sealed class constructorsKT-68202
KLIB metadata: nested classes are sometimes inside a different 'knm' chunkKT-65834
[KLIB Resolve] Drop library versions in KLIB manifestsKT-67446
[KLIB Tool] Drop "-repository " CLI parameterKT-67445
[KLIB Tool] Drop "install" and "remove" commandsLanguage Design
K2: Prioritize Enum.entries resolveKT-11914
Confusing data class copy with private constructorKT-68636
Incorrect private_to_this visibility for data class with a private constructorLibraries
New Features
UUID functionality to fix Java bugs as well as extend itKT-57998
implement Base64.withoutPaddingPerformance Improvements
Optimize Int.sign and Long.sign for js and wasmJs targetsFixes
Introduce ExperimentalUuidApi annotation for marking Uuid APIKT-60787
Cannot ignore alpha when formatting with HexFormatKT-68025
Improve documentation for HexKT-66129
Minor issues with HexFormatKT-67511
provide equals() and hashCode() implementations for kotlinx.metadata.KmTypeKT-68240
stdlib: proper expects for internal API used in intermediate shared source setsKT-68840
atomicfu-runtime: annotate some internal functions with@PublishedApi
property with@PublishedApi
Improve documentation for Base64KT-51483
Documentation of trimMargin is (partly) difficult to understandKT-64649
Add explanation to "A compileOnly dependency is used in the Kotlin/Native target" warning messageKT-67807
JS/Wasm: ByteArray.decodeToString incorrectly handles ill-formed 4-byte sequences with a 2nd byte not being continuation byteKT-67768
Wasm: ByteArray.decodeToString throws out-of-bounds exception if the last byte is a start of a 4-byte sequenceKT-66896
Improve Array contentEquals and contentDeepEquals documentationNative
Native: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on watchOS when using DispatchersKT-69246
K2: linkPodDebugFrameworkIosArm64 takes 15 (!!) times longerKT-67694
Native: WeakRefBenchmark degradation due to nonoptimized IntProgression iterationKT-69206
Native: updating to LLVM 16 breaks debugging in lldb on LinuxKT-68640
Native: updating to LLVM 16 changes behavior ofused
attribute in C/C++ codeKT-58097
Kotlin/Native: improve the error message if Xcode is not properly configuredKT-67583
compileKotlin-task unexpectedly downloads K/N dependencies on Linux (but doesn't on Mac)Native. Build Infrastructure
Kotlin/Native performance tests fail to compile with bitcodeNative. C and ObjC Import
LLVM 11 clang: cinterops fail with "_Float16 is not supported on this target"KT-68254
Native: flaky testForwardEnum test in Kotlin/Native on MacOSKT-65260
Native: compiler crashes when casting to an Obj-C class companionNative. ObjC Export
Native: enable objcExportSuspendFunctionLaunchThreadRestriction=none by defaultKT-57496
linkReleaseFrameworkIosArm64: e: Compilation failed: An operation is not implementedNative. Platform Libraries
LLVM 11 clang: symbol not found when running the linkerNative. Runtime
Native: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on watchOS when using RandomKT-68928
EXC_BREAKPOINT: BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBPLATFORM: Trying to recursively lock an os_unfair_lockNative. Runtime. Memory
Native: threads are too often paused to assist GC (with concurrent mark)KT-68871
Native: Unexpected barriers phase during STW: weak-processingKT-67779
Native: SpecialRefRegistry::ThradData publication prolongs the pause in CMSKT-66918
Native: scan global root set concurrentlyNative. Swift Export
Exporting object twice causing crashKT-69251
Get rid of context receivers from ./native/.../lazyWithSessions.ktKT-68865
Move config into test-directivesKT-68259
Swift export: secondary constructs lead to compilation errorsKT-67095
Native: fix testNativeRefs export testKT-67099
Remove SirVisitor and SirTransformer from codeKT-67003
Abandon PackageInflator implementation in favour of PackageProvider componentNative. Testing
Incorrect handling of friend dependencies in Native test infraKT-67436
Native: support CLI testsKT-68416
Native: when using test grouping, a whole group gets ignored on non-Mac hosts if it has Objective-C testsKT-68500
Native: Drop custom logic in ExtTestCaseGroupProvider, mute codegen/box tests explicitlyReflection
KotlinReflectionInternalError on non-reified type parameter in typeOf inside an inline lambdaKT-68675
K2: KotlinReflectionInternalError on non-reified type parameter in typeOf inside a lambdaTools. Build Tools API
BTA test infra: top level declarations are invisible across modulesTools. CLI
Add the possibility to disable fast jar fs in K2KT-68838
OutOfMemory when compiling in CLIKT-67939
Add CLI argument to enable when guards featureKT-68743
Extract common CLI arguments for all KLIB-based backendsKT-68450
CLI: errors related to module-info are reported even if there are no Kotlin source filesKT-68060
FastJarFS fails on empty jarsTools. CLI. Native
Native: konanc fails when KONAN_HOME is under path with spacesKT-64524
Introduce a CLI argument to override native_targets field in klib manifestTools. Commonizer
Command line length overflow on Linux/Windows while invoking commonizer via :commonizeDistributionTools. Compiler Plugin API
K2: run FirSupertypeGenerationExtension over generated declarationsTools. Compiler Plugins
K2: Implement Atomicfu*IrTestGenerated for K2KT-69401
Kotlin power assert plugin doesn't work correctly with safe cast operatorKT-69290
PowerAssert: implicit receivers included in power-assert generated diagramKT-68511
Power Assert kotlinx.assertEquals message display problemKT-68807
Power-Assert crashes the Kotlin compiler when if expression used as assertion parameterKT-68162
K2 Parcelize implementation breaks compiler phase contractsKT-67605
K2 parcelize: false positive NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE in one testKT-64455
K2: Implement ParcelizeIrBoxTestWithSerializableLikeExtension for K2Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
and sealed class cause initialization errorKT-68752
Serializable annotation on Java class is not taken into account in K2 checkerKT-68931
JS/Native + serialization: partial linkage errorKT-69039
FIR: Implement IDE-only checker for kotlinx.serialization compiler plugin to report IDE-only diagnosticsTools. Fleet. ObjC Export
ObjCExport: SerializersModuleBuilderKT-68841
ObjCExport: K1 text fixture@Deprecated
[ObjCExport] Support reserved method namesTools. Gradle
New Features
Compose: provide a single place in extension to configure all compose flagsPerformance Improvements
Gradle: Kotlin compilations depend on packed artifactsFixes
Compose Gradle Plugin: AGP doesn't override configuration properties like traceMarkersEnabledKT-65820
Compatibility with Gradle 8.7 releaseKT-69444
Don't warn about missing Compose Compiler Gradle plugin in some casesKT-67888
Remove usages of deprecated Configuration.fileCollection() methodKT-68843
Gradle: Kotlin plugin changes source set 'main' to 'null/main'KT-67395
Add new plugins to collector kotlin gradle performanceKT-68661
Move ExperimentalWasmDsl to kotlin-gradle-plugin-annotationsKT-69837
Deprecation warning for file-based IC is issued when the property is set to true, altering the intended meaning of the messageKT-69291
Compose Gradle plugin: Enable strong skipping by defaultKT-67766
Build against Gradle API 8.7KT-67889
Run tests against Gradle 8.8 releaseKT-65271
Gradle: "Mutating dependency DefaultExternalModuleDependency after it has been finalized has been deprecated " with gradle 8.6-rc-3KT-67822
Deprecate JVM history files based incremental compilationKT-64378
Compatibility with Gradle 8.6 releaseKT-69414
Compose: featureFlags override values of the deprecated compose optionsKT-67771
Compatibility with Gradle 8.8 releaseKT-65528
Migrate rest of Gradle integration tests to new Test DSLKT-68306
Project isolation for FUS statistics: Cannot access project ':' from project ':app' at$ Companion.initBuildScanExtensionHolderKT-67890
Compile against Gradle 8.8 API artifactKT-68773
Kotlin 2.0.0 with Gradle 8.8: ConcurrentModificationException on BuildFusService configurationMetricsKT-68308
Project isolation for FUS statistics: An error is thrown at org.gradle.configurationcache.ProblemReportingCrossProjectModelAccess$ProblemReportingProject.getLayoutKT-61574
Add project-isolation test for Kotlin/Android pluginKT-65936
Provide a detailed error for changing kotlin native version dependency.KT-62684
PropertiesBuildService should load extraProperties only onceKT-67288
Test DSL should not fail the test if build scan publishing has failedKT-58280
org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm Gradle plugin contributes build directories to the test compile classpathTools. Gradle. JS
[2.0.20-Beta2] KGP reports confusing warnings about js/wasmJS source setsKT-69805
YarnSetupTask does not work for custom downloadBaseUrlKT-67444
Gradle / JS: wrong type commonWebpackConfig.devServer.proxyKT-42923
KJS: Resources are not available when running Karma testsKT-68482
KotlinNpmInstallTask is not compatible with configuration cacheKT-68072
K/JS, K/Wasm: Module not found in transitive caseKT-68103
K/JS, K/Wasm: Generation of test compilation's package.json requires main compilationKT-67924
K/JS, K/Wasm: kotlinNpmInstall can rewrite root package.jsonTools. Gradle. Kapt
Kapt3KotlinGradleSubplugin uses property lookup that breaks project isolationKT-61928
Clarify parameter types in KaptArguments and KaptJavacOptionTools. Gradle. Multiplatform
New Features
Consider pre-generating DSL accessors for source sets with names corresponding to the default target hierarchyFixes
w: KLIB resolver: The same 'unique_name=...' found in more than one libraryKT-65754
Gradle: Commonized cinterop dependency configuration changes project descriptionKT-69406
Deprecate combinations of KMP plugin with some Gradle Java pluginsKT-64109
Using compileOnly/runtimeOnly dependencies in K/N-related configurations leads to odd behaviourKT-69311
runDebugExecutable task fails with "this.compilation" is null with enabled configuration cacheKT-69310
w: KLIB resolver: The same 'unique_name=...' found in more than one library for diamond source set structuresKT-61793
KMP/AGP compatibility: Update the maximum tested AGP version to 8.3KT-66209
Accessing the source sets by name is confusingKT-62368
Kotlin 1.9.X fails to detect kotlin.test.Test annotation reference on commonTest source set when targeting JVM+AndroidKT-67110
Usage of BuildOperationExecutor.getCurrentOpeartion internal Gradle APIKT-58319
kotlin.git: ProjectMetadataProviderImpl "Unexpected source set 'commonMain'"Tools. Gradle. Native
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinNativeCompilation.getTarget()" because "this.compilation" is nullKT-67935
OverriddenKotlinNativeHomeChecker does not work well with relative pathsKT-64430
Remove deprecated KotlinToolRunner(project) constructorKT-64427
Stop using deprecated KotlinToolRunner(project) constructor callTools. Incremental Compile
K2: changing a Java constant won't cause Kotlin usages to recompileKT-63476
Investigate the debug output of JVM compilation in KMP IC smoke testsTools. JPS
JPS: "Multiple values are not allowed for" caused by ComposeTools. Kapt
K2 KAPT: missing $annotations methods for const properties and private properties without accessorsKT-67495
File leak in when building with kaptKT-66780
K2 KAPT Kotlinc should exit with an exit code 1 (compilation error) if a Kapt task failsKT-66998
K2 KAPT: Reimplement support for DefaultImplsTools. Scripts
scripting dependency resolution does not authenticate towards maven mirrorsKT-67575
FromConfigurationsBase script definition unexpected behaviour with regex from gradle templatesKT-67066
DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbols does not copy IrScript nodes correctlyKT-67071
K2: ScriptCompilationConfigurationFromDefinition is not serializableKT-67063
LauncherReplTest flaky on WindowsTools. Wasm
K/Wasm: Upgrade NPM dependenciesKT-69245
K/Wasm: Remove warning of working-in-progressKT-69154
K/Wasm: wasmJsBrowserProductionRun flaky crash with "WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import ... function import requires a callable"KT-68930
K/Wasm: Production run doesn not use optimize task resultKT-67901
K/Wasm: Add kotlin-wasm-examples to CIKT-67468
Gradle task build (allTests) fails on default web projectKT-67980
Wasm: Incorrect "Please choose a JavaScript environment to build distributions and run tests" when WASM is not configuredKT-67862
K/Wasm: Make usage of ChromeWasmGc an errorv2.0.10
: Kotlin 2.0.10Compare Source
Apple Ecosystem
Xcode incorrectly reuses embedAndSign framework when moving to and from 2.0.0Compiler
K2 Compile exception: Only IrBlockBody together with kotlinx serializationKT-68521
K2: Property's private setters can be bypassed when using plusAssign and minusAssign operatorsKT-68667
K2: Compiler hangs on mapNotNull and elvis inside lambdaKT-68747
K2: Long compilation time because of constraint solving when using typealias in different modulesKT-68940
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: All variables should be fixed to something"KT-68797
K2 / Native: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: FIELD" caused by enabled cachingKT-68362
False-positive ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for inheritor of java class which directly implements java.util.MapKT-68449
K2: "when" expression returns UnitKT-67072
K2: inconsistent stability of open vals on receivers of final typeKT-68570
K2: "Unresolved reference" in call with lambda argument and nested lambda argumentKT-69159
K2: KotlinNothingValueException in ExposedKT-68623
K2: "Only safe or null-asserted calls are allowed" on safe callKT-68193
JDK 21: new MutableList.addFirst/addLast methods allow adding nullable value for non-null typesKT-67804
removeFirst and removeLast return type with Java 21KT-68727
K2: "Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" caused by an enum class with default parameter in a different moduleKT-68383
K2: "Argument type mismatch: actual type is 'kotlin.String', but 'T & Any' was expected." with intersection typesKT-68546
K2: false-positive conflicting overloads error on inheriting generic type with inherited generic and non-generic member overloadsKT-68626
K2: "Conflicting Overloads" for function if inherited from generic typeKT-68351
K2: "Suspension functions can only be called within coroutine body"KT-68489
K2: WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET with Java and Kotlin@Target
annotation positionsKT-69058
K2: Java-defined property annotations not persistedKT-64515
K2 IDE: [NEW_INFERENCE_ERROR] in a build.gradle.kts script while applying "jvm-test-suite" plugin and then configuring targets for test suitesKT-68016
K2: Gradle repo testshould compile correctly with Kotlin explicit api mode
fails on K2KT-68575
annotation is not erased when inferring the type ofit
in lambdasKT-67999
K2: lost flexibility on parameters of Java SAMKT-59679
K2: Investigate extracting uncompleted candidates from blocksKT-68401
K2: "IllegalAccessError: failed to access class" caused by package private super Java type, when inferencing a common super type of if or when branches on JVMKT-68806
K/Wasm RuntimeError: unreachable on Sequence::toListKT-68455
KJS/K2: usingwhile
inside inline lambdas leads to an endless cycleKT-68798
JVM compiler crashes on calling private expect constructor with a default parameterKT-68734
K2: enum class in KMP: Expect declarationMMKVLogLevel
is incompatible with actualMMKVLogLevel
because modality is differentKT-68674
False positive ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT in K2KT-68350
K2: "Inapplicable candidate(s)" caused by parameter reference of local class with type parameters from functionKT-68571
K2: "IllegalStateException: Fake override should have at least one overridden descriptor" caused by exceptions and when statementKT-68523
K2: FileAnalysisException when using Definitely non-nullable typesKT-68339
K2: "Enum entry * is uninitialized here" caused by lazy property with enum inwhen
K2: false-negative "upper bound violated" error in extension receiverKT-68630
DiagnosticsSuppressor is not invoked with Kotlin 2.0KT-68222
K2. KMP. False negativeExpected declaration must not have a body
for expected top-level property with getter/setterKT-64103
FirExpectActualDeclarationChecker reports diagnostic error for KtPsiSimpleDiagnostic with KtFakeSourceElementKT-68191
K2. Static fake-overrides are not generated for kotlin Fir2IrLazyClassKT-68024
K2: Gradle repo testaccessors to kotlin internal task types...
fails on K2KT-64957
K1: drop ModuleAnnotationResolverCompose compiler
Fix memoization of captureless lambdas when K2 compiler is used b/340582180a8249d6
Allow memoizing lambdas in composable inline functions b/340606661Native
K2/Native: Member inherits different '@Throws
' when inheriting from generic typeTools. Compiler Plugins
Compose compiler for web doesn't support rememberComposableLambdaKT-68557
K2. Supertypes resolution of KJK hierarchy fails in presence of allopen pluginTools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
Compose lambda type not transformed with KGP 2 + new Compose pluginTools. Daemon
KGP 2.0 regression: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is not considered in Kotlin daemon creationTools. Gradle
KotlinCompile friendPathsSet property is racy due causing build cache invalidationKT-69026
Mark AGP 8.5.0 as compatible with KGPKT-68447
ill-added intentionally-broken dependency source configurationsKT-69078
Gradle: Add option to disable FUS ServiceKT-68278
Spring resource loading in combination withjava-test-fixtures
plugin brokenKT-66452
Gradle produces false positive configuration cache problem for Project usage at execution timeKT-68242
Run tests against AGP 8.4.0Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
KMP project (re-)import took a long time for downloading platform libsKT-68248
kotlin multiplatform project fail to build on Fedora with correttoTools. Gradle. Native
KGP 2.0 breaks native test with api dependencies and configuration cacheKT-65761
Missing JDK Platform ClassLoader when compiling Kotlin native in daemonTools. JPS
Generate lookups in dumb mode for compatibility with ref indexTools. Kapt
K2KAPT: boxed return types in overridden methods changed to primitivesTools. Scripts
K2 / CLI / Script: "NullPointerException: getService(...) must not be null" caused by@DependsOn
K2: regression in Spring unit tests usingjavax.script.ScriptEngine
: Kotlin 2.0.0Compare Source
Analysis. API
New Features
Support reading klib contents in Analysis APIPerformance Improvements
K2: Anaysis API: ContextCollector triggers redundant resolution in the case of file elementsKT-64987
Analysis API: 50GB memory allocation on creating empty kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentMapOfKT-61789
K2: optimize getFirForNonKtFileElement for references inside super type referenceKT-59498
K2: getOnAirGetTowerContextProvider took too much time due to on air resolveKT-61728
Analysis API: optimize AllCandidatesResolver.getAllCandidatesFixes
Analysis API: dummy.kt is not a physical fileKT-65616
K2: FirDeclarationStatusImpl cannot be cast to FirResolvedDeclarationStatus from STATUSKT-65600
Analysis Api: FirFile for KtCodeFragments are created and not updated on changesKT-64919
K2 IDE: Implement KMP support for sealed class inheritorsKT-64241
K2: Unresolved calls to functions in scripts depending on included projectsKT-65813
Analysis API Standalone:FirDeclarationForCompiledElementSearcher
does not find compiled elementsKT-66052
AA: render expect/actual modifierKT-66795
KtCodeFragment.clone() is brokenKT-66532
K2 CodeGen AA: missing annotation setup for function in source module but not in a compile target fileKT-64833
Analysis API: Members implemented by delegation have no overridden symbolsKT-62405
have no overridden symbolsKT-66749
K2: "Collection contains no element matching the predicate" on an unresolved callKT-62832
K2: ClassCastException: FirDeclarationStatusImpl cannot be cast to FirResolvedDeclarationStatusKT-66719
AbstractGetKlibSourceFileNameTest: The dependency to ":native:analysis-api-klib-reader" breaks JPS compilationKT-66603
Analysis API: support type annotations in KtPsiTypeProviderMixIn#asPsiTypeKT-64505
Analysis API Standalone: Remove test-specific calculation of sealed class inheritorsKT-66013
Analysis API Standalone: Sealed inheritors aren't correctly calculated for source classesKT-62880
K2 IDE: Unresolved java annotation methods in KDocKT-66530
K2: Analysis API: KtPsiTypeProvider#asKtType crashes on PsiClassType for Java type parameter with wrong use siteKT-65571
Support VirtualFile inputs to Analysis API modulesKT-66485
Substituted types are not provided for callable referencesKT-66498
Analysis API: 'KtFe10SymbolDeclarationOverridesProvider' considers a class to be a subclass of itselfKT-64579
K2 IDE: "Expected FirResolvedArgumentList for FirAnnotationCallImpl of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirArgumentListImpl found"KT-65978
Analysis API: Use soft references inFileStructureCache
K2 IDE: Analysis API: Unresolved links to typealias in KDocKT-66189
K2 / IDE: KtFirExpressionTypeProvider bugsKT-61422
K2 IDE: "No array element type for vararg value parameter: org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirValueParameterImpl"KT-66276
false positive for script parameterKT-66232
K2: Analysis API: cover ScriptWithCustomDefDiagnosticsTestBaseGenerated by LL FIR testsKT-60996
K2: Stub Based Deserializer: Set versionRequirements to enable VERSION_REQUIREMENT_DEPRECATION diagnosticsKT-66306
K2: Analysis API: drop ability to enable global phase resolve lockKT-55750
LL FIR: Implement multi-threaded resolveKT-65563
Analysis API: Missing session componentFirExpectActualMatchingContextFactory
K2: No 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.FirDelegatedMembersFilter' in array owner: LLFirLibrarySessionKT-66238
Gradle kotlin build scripts - a lot of unresolved symbols after latest changes in kotlin masterKT-65099
K2: Recursive local storage cache check for Fir2IrDeclarationStorage::createAndCacheIrPropertySymbols()KT-65265
Analysis API: Add library session invalidation testsKT-56288
Analysis API: Add tests for session invalidation on the Analysis API sideKT-64000
K2: make AnnotationArgumentsStateKeepers more accurateKT-63606
K2: Analysis API: rewrite FirLazyAnnotationTransformer to avoid redundant transformationsKT-65191
KtFirMultiplatformInfoProvider#getExpectForActual doesn't return expect function for slightly broken codeKT-62136
Analysis API: Add concurrent tests forCleanableSoftValueCache
K2: Add lifecycle management forKtResolveExtension
Analysis API: Test infrastructure indexes binary libraries from decompiled files instead of stubs during IDE mode testsKT-65240
K2: CodeGen API fails to resolve Annotation parameter type when it runs FIR2IR for a class with a parent class from other module if the parent class has an annotation from another moduleKT-65344
K2: make FirScript statements (declarations) independentKT-65930
AA: receiver type forInt?::foo
misses nullabilityKT-65914
AA: receiver type forthis::foo
returns return type of the target callableKT-62071
Analysis API: KtFirScopeProvider.getScopeContextForPosition throws exception when ImplicitReceiverValue.implicitScope is nullKT-65780
K2: polish FileStructure implementation for FirFileKT-62840
K2 Script: everything around destructuring declaration on top level of scripts are brokenKT-64528
K2 IDE: MPP: unregistered component 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.FirDelegatedMembersFilter'KT-64921
K2 IDE: references in platform code resolve to expect classifier instead of actualKT-61296
K2: do not resolve the entire file on lazyResolve call if FirFile is passedKT-65683
Analysis API: Dangling file session creation causes acomputeIfAbsent
contract violationKT-64884
K2 IDE. FP [NAMED_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND] for copy method of library data class when class has not parameter-propertiesKT-65763
K2: value parameter from library data class copy have RAW_FIR phaseKT-65665
Analysis API: supportKtDelegatedSuperTypeEntry
K2 IDE. IDE ignores@Suppress
annotation for errorsKT-65655
Analysis API:KtCodeCompilationException
should not strongly reference FIR sessionsKT-62302
Support PsiType -> KtType conversionKT-64604
K2: IDE K2: "Modules are inconsistent during performance tests"KT-65345
K2: unify FirDesignation and LLFirResolveTargetKT-61757
K2 IDE: resolution to buitlins does not work for from common moduleKT-65268
K2: Checking the presence of the delegated constructor call forces AST loadingKT-63330
Analysis API: Stub-based deserialized symbol providers provide unresolved enum entry annotation argumentsKT-65418
Analysis API:LLFirAbstractSessionFactory
loads anchor module sessions eagerlyKT-64718
Analysis API: do not expose SealedClassInheritorsProvider and FirRegularClass to IDE PluginKT-65075
K2: getContainingDeclaration() is broken for declarations inside code fragmentsKT-61332
AA: incorrect result fromKtTypeProvider#getReceiverTypeForDoubleColonExpression
for Java static methodKT-56551
LL FIR: implement parallel resolve for jumping phasesKT-65223
Psi: avoid KtFile usagesKT-65307
Analysis API FE10: support KtFe10AnalysisSessionProvider.getAnalysisSessionByUseSiteKtModuleKT-62695
K2 IDE: Unresolved extension functions in KDocKT-65152
Analysis API: KDoc references to packages are not fully resolvedKT-64988
K2 IDE: Navigation from the named argument in safe call does not workKT-63195
AA: incorrect results fromKtTypeProvider#getReceiverTypeForDoubleColonExpression
K2: Investigate LL divergence for Script.testTopLevelPropertyInitializationKT-62441
K2: IDE K2: "No dangling modifier found"KT-62895
K2 IDE. FP'when' expression must be exhaustive
with sealed interface from libraryKT-64993
Analysis API: KtExpressionTypeProvider.getExpectedType works incorrectly for arguments of safe callsKT-64883
Allow direct creation of KtCommonFileKT-64646
K2: properly forbid ast loading during raw fir phase in testsKT-64862
Psi: missed parenthesis in type reference presentationKT-62893
K2 IDE. FP 'when' expression must be exhaustive with Java sealed interface from libraryKT-63795
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase BODY_RESOLVE from SealedClassInheritorsProviderIdeImplKT-64805
Analysis API: introduce common entry point for multi-file test casesKT-64714
K2: Analysis API: doesn't resolves from Java in kotlin repoKT-64647
K2: Allow to calculate decompiled inheritors for sealed classes in testsKT-64595
AA: stackoverflow while simplifying a type with a recursive type parameterKT-64825
Analysis API. Cannot compute containing PSI for unknown source kind 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElementKind$DefaultAccessor' exception on getContainingSymbol call for default setter parameterKT-64080
K2: Analysis API: On-air resolve does not trigger resolution of delegated super call argumentsKT-64243
K2: proper lazy resolution for fake overridesKT-62891
K2 IDE. FP [EXPOSED_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE] on overriding library method which returns protected typeKT-62667
K2: Cannot find enclosing declaration for KtNameReferenceExpression (on-air, imports)KT-61890
Analysis API: Migrate KtFirScopeProvider to ContextCollector instead of onAirResolveKT-64197
K2: Code fragments are only supported in JVMKT-62357
K2 IDE. False positive on generated component methods and false negative on getter of@JvmRecord
classes in JavaKT-62892
K2 IDE. Java outer class from other module is not resolved when nested class is accessed with fq name in a type positionKT-62888
K2 IDE. IDE infers reference toKMutableProperty
as reference to justKProperty
K2: StubBasedFirDeserializedSymbolProvider: support deserialization of delegated declarationsKT-60324
K2 IDE: "NoSuchElementException: List is empty at JavaOverrideChecker#buildErasure"KT-62896
K2 IDE. FP ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on inheriting class from library which implements interface by delegationKT-62947
Analysis API: Error while resolving FirPropertyImplKT-64468
Analysis API: Implement mixed multi-module tests which support different kinds ofKtModule
Symbol Light Classes: No@NotNull
annotations are generated for accessors of lateinit properties of unresolved typesKT-63547
Analysis API: Do not import non-top-level callables by defaultKT-63056
K2: Cannot mutate an immutable ImplicitReceiverValue on FirCodeFragment analysisKT-64108
K2: KtFirSymbolDeclarationOverridesProvider shouldn't provide fake overridesKT-63752
K2: java.lang.StackOverflowError FirFieldSymbol.getHasInitializerKT-63718
Analysis API: Stub-based dependency symbol providers of library source sessions compute the wrong package name setsKT-64225
K2: IDE K2: "FirLazyBlock should be calculated before accessing" in evaluate debuger completionKT-64186
Analysis API: ContextCollector provides incorrect scopes for anonymous objectsKT-63979
K2 IDE: presentation of types in completion is too verboseKT-63681
K2: LL FIR: Improve isResolved check coverage of after lazy resolutionKT-62982
K2: Cannot get a PSI element for 'Enum.values'KT-59732
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from serialisation pluginKT-62676
K2 IDE: Reference shortener does not recoginize redundant this referencesKT-63627
K2 IDE: shorten reference shortens required qualifierKT-62675
K2 IDE: Reference shortener does not recoginize redundant labelsKT-60957
K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener does not work correctly with invoke function calls on propertiesKT-63771
fe10: KtNamedClassOrObjectSymbol#isInline does not cover value classesKT-60327
K2 IDE. "IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null" during delegation declarationKT-62421
K2: IDE K2: "lazyResolveToPhase(BODY_RESOLVE)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase BODY_RESOLVE."KT-62587
K2 IDE. FP unresolved reference on accessing nested class in annotation argumentKT-63700
K2: "FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing" in the case of secondary constructorKT-61383
K2: 'KtCompilerFacility' fails on code fragment compilation in library sources with duplicated dependenciesKT-62111
K2 IDE. IllegalArgumentException on for loop with iterator declaration attemptKT-63538
Analysis API: Removing a contract statement viaPsiElement.delete()
does not trigger an out-of-block modificationKT-63694
K1/K2 IDE. "RuntimeException: Broken stub format, most likely version of kotlin.FILE (kotlin.FILE) was not updated after serialization changes" exception on incorrect class nameKT-63660
K2: expect-actual gutter icons must be shown when declarations are matched but incompatibleKT-63560
Analysis API: Modifiable PSI tests cannot rely on the cached application environment to allow write accessKT-62980
Analysis API: No receiver found for broken code during commit documentKT-62705
K2: "lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS) cannot be called..." from light classesKT-60170
K2 IDE: CCE from KtFirCallResolver on invalid code with wrong implicit invokeKT-61783
K2: Analyze 'KtCodeFragment' in a separate sessionKT-62010
K2: IDE K2: "ConeClassLikeTypeImpl is not resolved to symbol for on-error type"KT-62957
Analysis API: NullPointerException on call resolution when builtins are not availableKT-61252
K2: IDE K2: "By now the annotations argument mapping should have been resolved"KT-62935
Analysis API:kotlin.Cloneable
should not be available in Kotlin/Native sourcesKT-62910
Analysis API: create AbstractFirPsiNativeDiagnosticsTest for LL FIRKT-63096
K2: Analysis API: KotlinAnnotationsResolver for IDE is created with incorrect scopeKT-62310
K2 IDE. False positives errors with external annotationsKT-63282
K2 Script: annotation arguments phase should resolve propagated annotationsKT-62397
K2 IDE. FP Error in the editor onRequiresOptIn
annotation from the lib despite the warning levelKT-63223
Analysis API: reference to declarations with kotlin* package are not resolvedKT-62626
IllegalStateException: Cannot build symbol for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtScriptInitializerKT-62693
K2: IDE K2: "PSI should present for declaration built by Kotlin code"KT-62674
K2: "Scope for type ConeClassLikeTypeImpl" is null from transitive dependenciesKT-61889
Analysis API: Migrate KtFirReferenceShortener to ContextCollector instead of FirResolveContextCollectorKT-62772
Analysis API: No ''(31) in array owner: LLFirSourcesSession when analysing builtins in a context of common codeKT-60319
K2 IDE: "Stability for initialized variable always should be computable"KT-62859
K2 IDE: "Evaluate expression" throws exception when calling "Any?.toString()"KT-63058
K2 IDE: Code completion unexpectedly imports static/companion object methodKT-62588
getExpectedType should not calculate type of the expressionKT-61990
K2: Unexpected returnTypeRef for FirSyntheticPropertyKT-62625
K2: 'FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing' for unresolved super typeKT-62691
K2: optimize getFirForNonKtFileElement for references inside 'where'KT-62834
K2: missing file node level in control flow builderKT-62768
Analysis API: No 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.FirDelegatedMembersFilter'(44) in array owner: LLFirSourcesSession exception on analysing common codeKT-62874
K2: FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessingKT-62407
Analysis API: resolve[this]
in KDoc to extension receiverKT-61204
K2: "FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing in ktor HttpBinApplication"KT-61901
Analysis API: Declared member scopes for Java classes are missing static membersKT-61800
Analysis API: Provide separate declared member scopes for non-static and static callablesKT-61255
Analysis API: Get rid ofvalueOf
from a declared member scopeKT-62466
Expected type for functional expression should include inferred typesKT-61203
IDE K2: "Expected FirResolvedArgumentList for FirAnnotationCallImpl of FirRegularClassImpl(Source) but FirArgumentListImpl found"KT-61791
Analysis API: Implement combinedgetPackage
for combined Kotlin symbol providersKT-62437
K2 IDE. Resolution does not work inside lambda expression in constructor argument in supertypesKT-62244
K2: Analysis API Standalone: Resolving klib dependencies from binary roots terminates applicationKT-62897
K2 IDE. Unresolved declarations from libraries which are doubled inintellij
project librariesKT-61615
K2: No 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.js.checkers.FirJsModuleKind' in array owner: LLFirSourcesSessionKT-59334
K2: LLFirImplicitTypesLazyResolver problemsKT-62038
K2: Nested classes are missing in symbol light class structure tests for librariesKT-61788
Analysis API: Symbol forFirAnonymousInitializer
cannot be nullKT-62139
Analysis API: KtFe10AnalysisSession.createContextDependentCopy does not need validity checkKT-62090
Analysis API: introduce an API to get a substitution formed by class inheritanceKT-62268
K2 IDE. No autocompletion and IllegalStateException for PairKT-60325
K2 IDE. "IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null" onthrow
usage attemptKT-61431
K2: KtPropertyAccessorSymbolPointer pointer already disposed for $$result script propertyKT-58490
K2: LLFirTypeLazyResolver problemsKT-58494
K2: LLFirAnnotationArgumentsLazyResolver problemsKT-58492
K2: LLFirBodyLazyResolver problemsKT-58769
K2: LL FIR: implement platform-dependent session factoriesKT-60343
K2 IDE. IllegalArgumentException on passing incorrect type parameter to functionKT-61842
K2: reduce number of "in-block modification" eventsKT-62012
K2: "KtReadActionConfinementLifetimeToken is inaccessible: Called outside analyse method"KT-61371
K2: Analysis API standalone: register compiler symbol provider for libraries in standalone modeKT-60611
K2: reduce number of "in-block modification" eventsKT-61425
Analysis API: Provide a way to get a declared member scope for an enum entry's initializing anonymous objectKT-61405
Analysis API: An enum entry should not be aKtSymbolWithMembers
AA: remove dependency on :compiler:cli from standalone AAKT-60904
, one of element types expected, but FirValueParameterSymbol found"KT-61260
K2 Scripts: Containing function should be not null for KtParameterKT-61568
FIR Analysis API:collectCallCandidates
gives presence to the top level functions in the presence of more suitable overridesKT-60610
K2 IDE: move "out of block" processing logic into LL FIRKT-61597
Analysis API: KotlinIllegalStateExceptionWithAttachments: expected as maximum oneexpect
for the actual on errorneous code with multiple expectsKT-59793
K2: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirErrorImportImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirResolvedImportKT-61599
K2: ContextCollector: Support smart cast collectionKT-61689
Analysis API: ContextCollector provides incorrect context in scriptsKT-61683
Analysis API: resolve ambiguities in kotlin projectKT-61245
Analysis API: ContextCollector provides incorrect context for supertype constructor callsKT-60384
K2: Opening@JvmName
source in IDEA: NPE at PsiRawFirBuilder$Visitor.toFirConstructor()KT-60918
K2 IDE: "FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry, fir is null"KT-61013
K2 Scripts: LLFirReturnTypeCalculatorWithJump: No designation of local declarationKT-59517
K2 IDE: KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Modules are inconsistentKT-61331
K2: add cache restoring in case of existing contextKT-61408
K2: IDE K2: "Inconsistency in the cache. Someone without context put a null value in the cache"Analysis. Light Classes
Performance Improvements
SLC: a lot of RAM is allocated inorg.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.LightClassUtil.isMangled
for attribute w/ default value in Java returnsnull
SLC: wildcard suppression not honoredKT-65112
Symbol Light Classes don't support annotations on type parametersKT-65843
K2: Light method returnskotlin.Unit
type forTestResult
return typeKT-65653
SLC: wrong binary resolution to function with value classKT-65393
SLC: missing deprecated-hidden propertyKT-64772
SLC: presence of source PSI for compiler-generated declarationKT-65425
K2 IDE: Seeing a reference to the class generated by compiler plugin exposed from Java code caused NPE from light classesKT-64937
SLC: internal setters are not mangledKT-63949
K2 IDE. Analyze hang on@Autowired
constructor analysisKT-63087
K2 IDE: in .java source reference to JvmName names on unsigned type / value class are unresolvedKT-64605
K2 IDE: usage of@Repeatable
annotation in Java: false positive "Duplicate annotation"KT-64795
SLC: distinguish last v.s. non-lastvararg
value parameter type during binary resolutionKT-61605
K2 IDE: Light elements do not obey platform contractsKT-57536
SLC: no need to populate members withexpect
Decouple kotlin psi from java PSIKT-64282
Decouple KotlinIconProviderService from java PSIKT-63552
Symbol Light Classes don't support arrayOf and similar without parameters in property initializers and default parameter valuesApple Ecosystem
Copy framework to BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR in the embedAndSign taskKT-67892
KotlinNativeLink task instantiates with a fixed list of apiFilesKT-64096
Diagnostic when embedAndSign used for framework with cocoapods-dependenciesKT-66446
Diagnostic never showed, and build fails when CocoaPods dependency is used with embedAndSign task and linking type is dynamicKT-66445
Diagnostic never showed when CocoaPods dependency is used with embedAndSign task and linking type is staticKT-62373
"Xcode higher than tested" diagnosticKT-63212
podInstall task fails without a proper diagnostic when xcodeproj gem is outdatedBackend. Native. Debug
K2: Native: kt42208WithPassingLambdaToAnotherFunction test fails with K2KT-57365
[Native] Incorrect debug info on inline function call siteBackend. Wasm
New Features
Generate TypeScript definitions for the@JsExport
declarations in K/WasmKT-58088
[PL] Support & enable partial linkage for WasmKT-66327
Include information about particular Wasm target into KLib manifestFixes
WASM support doesn't appear to be able to see some common declarationsKT-66905
K/Wasm: support new version of exception handling proposalKT-66515
Wasm: "call param types must match" during the buildKT-67435
K/Wasm: import.meta.url transforming into absolute local path in webpackKT-65777
Implement named export for Kotlin/WasmKT-65660
[WasmJs] Support catching JS exceptionsKT-65824
Wasm: Allow unsigned primitives to be used inside functions annotated with@JsExport
Wasm: companion object is not initialized in test initializers1.ktKT-66471
Null method reference with Kotlin/Wasm on 2.0.0-Beta4KT-65210
operator produces Number KClass for Short expressionKT-66065
[Wasm] Make specialisations for closured primitive valuesKT-64890
K/Wasm compiler crash with external class and KodeinKT-66104
Wasm: compiler crash: NoSuchElementException: Sequence contains no element matching the predicateKT-65778
Create the same TypeScript tests infrastructure for Kotlin/Wasm that we have now for Kotlin/JSKT-65411
Kotlin/Wasm: Boolean boxed instances are not the sameKT-65713
Kotlin/Wasm generates a wrapper that cannot run in DenoKT-63939
Kotlin/Wasm Support lazy associated object initialisationKT-61888
[Kotlin/wasm] in kotlin.test support for@AfterTest
for async testsKT-64803
K/Wasm: non-capturing lambdas are not singleton unlike same lambdas in jvmKT-64449
K2: Implement K1WasmWasiCodegenBoxTestGenerated for K2KT-64829
K/Wasm: division remainder has a wrong signKT-58852
WASM: two methods with different varargs: Class korlibs.template.dynamic.DynamicShape has 2 methods with the same signature [register(kotlin.Array)KT-61263
K/Wasm: add a way to turn on k2 in wasm examples using ComposeKT-62863
Execution failed for task ':kotlinx-serialization-properties:wasmJsD8Test' in serialization in the K2 QGKT-62657
K/Wasm: switch to json repots for Kotlin Wasm BenchmarksKT-62147
[Kotlin/Wasm] Nothing typed when expression cause a backend errorKT-61958
Update SpiderMonkey and return its usage in box tests when they switch to the final opcodes for GC and FTR proposalsKT-60828
K/Wasm: return br_on_cast_fail usagesKT-59084
WASM: "RuntimeError: illegal cast" caused by inline class and JsAnyKT-60700
[WASM] test FirWasmCodegenBoxTestGenerated.testSuspendUnitConversion failed after KT-60259Compiler
New Features
Generate all Kotlin lambdas via invokedynamic + LambdaMetafactory by defaultKT-24664
No smartcast on stable property if receiver had non-null assertionKT-23915
Add smart cast to non-nullable type after elvis operatorKT-61077
Support provideDelegate inference from var property typeKT-59688
K2: consider removing smartcasts only from the only visibile property with specific name, not from all of themKT-7389
Intersection type for type parameter with multiple upper bounds in star projectionKT-63477
Consider supporting builder-style type inference from Unit coercion of last statements in lambdasKT-61907
K2: builder inference works with assignments to member propertiesKT-61909
K2: builder inference infers correct types from assignments to extension propertiesKT-59551
K2: builder inference works with anonymous functions if builder parameter has a receiver with a postponed type variableKT-65443
[K/N] Implement header cachesKT-4113
Smart casts for properties to not-null functional types atinvoke
K2: Improve error message of UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when upper bound is a captured type or other non-denotable typeKT-32754
Choose existing extensions over additional built-ins members from JDK except overridesKT-57800
Support synthetic properties onsuper
K2: deprecate using typealias as a callable qualifier in importsKT-26565
Choose existing extensions over additional built-ins members from JDKKT-65478
JVM: Change inlined variable naming formatKT-64702
Upper bound of type parameter is ignored when capturing of in-projection appears in out positionKT-60274
K2: builder inference works through a delegated local variable inside builder argumentKT-65859
Calls refinement extension pointKT-15220
Reuse resolution results of common code for platform modules in multiplatform projectsKT-60476
K2: False positive NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER in platform code for value class with default parameter in common declarationKT-65153
K/N: extract liveness analysis to a separate phaseKT-59098
Support -Xjdk-release=1.6/1.7 with -jvm-target 1.8KT-63670
Implement platform specific declaration clash diagnostics across all backendsKT-62547
Introduce a language feature flag for smartcasts based on "memory" variablesKT-60820
K1: Empty vararg value is inserted in serialized annotation call with expect default vararg valueKT-58172
Forbidexpect class A actual constructor
Smart cast to non-null after safe-call in requireKT-25747
DFA variables: propagate smart cast results from local variablesKT-22997
Smart-cast should merge is-check for non-nullable type and a null check to a nullable typeKT-22996
Smart casts should observe nullability after is-check with a nullable subject typeKT-22004
Allow to resolve CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS with Deprecated(HIDDEN)KT-61955
Support more wider actual member visibility, if the expect member is effectively finalKT-59504
K2 compiler does not require resolved 'componentX' functions for the placeholder ('_') variables in the destructuring declarationsKT-62239
Allow enum entries without parentheses uniformlyKT-11712
Smart cast is not applied for invisible setterPerformance Improvements
NI: Slow type inference involving large when-expression (ConstraintInjector.processConstraints)KT-62714
Do not add nullability annotations to the methods of inner classes in enum entriesKT-62903
FP intellij: performance degradation in build 611KT-67507
K2: Slow compilation times when a class has a lot of possibly conflicting declarationsKT-65005
K2: Investigate testCommonSuperTypeContravariant performanceKT-65996
Compiler enters endless loopKT-66341
K2: Don't build IdSignatures in FIR2IR with IR f/o builderKT-66172
K2: Improve memory consumption ofKtPsiSourceElement
Combination of array set convention and plusAssign works exponentiallyKT-62798
'in' range checks are not intrinsified in kotlin-stdlibKT-65579
K2: performance regression in FP SpaceKT-61635
call inPsiRawFirBuilder.toFirConstructor
forces AST loadKT-62619
FIR: Checker performance regression due to MISSING_DEPENDENCY checkersKT-62044
Do not add nullability annotations to the methods of anonymous classKT-62706
Optimize KtSourceElement.findChild()KT-62513
Do not add nullability annotations to the methods of local classesKT-61991
K2: avoid redundant full body resolution for properties during implicit type phaseKT-61604
[K/N] Bitcode dependency linking is slow for large compilationsKT-61121
[K/N] Kotlin Native compiler performance is slow when generating large frameworksKT-57616
K2: Consider optimizing reversed versions of persistent lists in FirTowerDataContextFixes
K2: PCLA Inference throws exception with local objectsKT-61768
Wrong bytecode index in LineNumberTable when there is an incremental operationKT-63580
"AssertionError: access of const val: GET_FIELD" caused by const value and variable with delegationKT-63567
"NoSuchMethodError" on getting value of lazily initialized property by companion's const valueKT-56078
K2: build kotlinx.coroutinesKT-67609
Report ambiguity error when resolving types and having the same-named classes star importedKT-65603
K2: No approximation is done on public, but effectively private propertyKT-59932
NoSuchMethodError exception in Kotlin/Native compilerKT-57678
K2: Inconsistency in how K2 analyzes unresolved code for loops and changing closuresKT-57871
K1/K2 inconsistency on if-conditional without else-branch in parenthesisKT-56384
K2: build IntelliJ monorepo master branchKT-49191
Leaked integer literals from lambda with flexible return typeKT-65812
K2: "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" in kotlin.utils.SmartList.addKT-67224
K2/Native: Member overrides different '@Throws
' filter from separate moduleKT-65623
K2: Unresolved reference in connection with castsKT-64136
K2: NSME with Anvil compiler pluginKT-51241
Provide a error when override method has different set of context receiversKT-52920
Confusing "Multiple arguments applicable for context receiver" error messageKT-67912
K2: Cannot inference type properly from inline function with Type parameterKT-68056
Prohibit referencing java field in case of conflict with property from companion object of the derived classKT-61129
K2: Implement error suppression warningKT-67367
K2: Incorrect resolution to top-level function with less specific signature in presence of SAM constructor on the same tower levelKT-50179
Fix DUPLICATE_LABEL_IN_WHEN warning with new rules of complex boolean constantsKT-45334
Prohibit referencing constructors of sealed classes by its inner membersKT-59943
K2: Resolution ambiguity between Iterable and varargsKT-67699
Not enough information to infer type argument for 'Error' using Arrow's Raise context receiver since Kotlin 2.0.0-Beta3KT-67486
K2: Calling method from a Java (implementing a Kotlin class) with named parameters is no longer possible if Java method has different parameter namesKT-66527
K2: type mismatch on override for typeKT-59897
K2: False-negative USAGE_IS_NOT_INLINEABLE when lambda in receiver positionKT-44557
Implement main function detection to FIRKT-67810
K2: public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API annotation enumKT-66447
Implement KT-59138 under a language featureKT-54862
Anonymous type can be exposed from private inline function from type argumentKT-37592
Property invoke of a functional type with receiver is preferred over extension function invokeKT-51194
False negative CONFLICTING_INHERITED_MEMBERS when dependency class contained in two different versions of the same dependencyKT-67221
K2: "new inference error [NewConstraintError at Incorporate TypeVariable" for captured typeKT-66701
K2: Java interface method override via Kotlin class rejectedKT-60604
needed for constants in annotationsKT-64309
Generate a variable mapping for continuation parameter in suspend methods just from the startKT-65438
K2: Introduce WEAKLY_HIDDEN concept to built-in-JDK content mappingKT-65235
JDK 21 might lead to change in overloads resolutionKT-66768
K1: False positive UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE in super.getFirst/getLast callKT-67106
Platforms libs-dependant autotests for ObjC checkersKT-65440
K2: Mark all potential implementations of List.getFirst()/getLast() as deprecated independently of JDKKT-65594
K2: Type inference fails on NullMarked object with star typeKT-62849
Unoptimised bytecode for Java synthetic property referencesKT-60174
JVM IR inline: accidental reification in various casesKT-57609
K2: Stop relying on the presence of@UnsafeVariance
using for contravariant parametersKT-54316
Out-of-call reference to companion object's member has invalid signatureKT-66976
Some value class diagnostics are missedKT-57426
Incorrect error message on inapplicable smartcast from alien propertyKT-55111
OptIn: forbid constructor calls with default arguments under markerKT-49856
Incorrect smartcast on var assigned in try-catch blockKT-41237
ReturnsImplies contract for receiver of member function does not work (no smartcast)KT-37878
No Smart cast for class literal reference of nullable generic typeKT-35846
Smart cast with unchecked cast leads to unresolved call that was resolved before (both old and new inference)KT-30867
Unsound smartcast if smartcast source and break is placed in for-in header as function argumentsKT-30267
Inconsistent smart casts in while (true)KT-33917
Prohibit to expose anonymous types from private inline functionsKT-28889
Smart cast does not work with booleanand
infix functionKT-54790
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN when all interfaces are sealedKT-54920
with a single branch stops being exhaustive the second time it's doneKT-53364
False positive UNUSED_VARIABLE warning for variable that is used across multiple blocksKT-43234
False positive INVALID_IF_AS_EXPRESSION caused byif
inside synchronized()KT-38490
False negative INVALID_IF_AS_EXPRESSION with unreachable code and coercion to UnitKT-35510
No INVALID_IF_AS_EXPRESSION ("'if' must have both main and 'else' branches if used as an expression") diagnostic for if-expression with only one branch and Nothing type conditionKT-34016
Contracts - variable cannot be initialized before declarationKT-56408
Inconsistent rules of CFA in class initialization block between K1 and K2KT-33829
False positive SENSELESS_COMPARISON with assignment in catch blockKT-30717
False positive UNUSED_VARIABLE with local var used in inline lambda block with loop, return and other lambdaKT-28232
RETURN_NOT_ALLOWED in inline lambda argument of '[... ]' operator conventionKT-26116
No error when class member val is referenced in inline function before it is assigned later onKT-25311
Calls on error type values lead to false-positive unreachable codeKT-24372
Misleading warning on unused setter parameter in some casesKT-23680
False positive UNREACHABLE_CODE onthrow
with areturn
When exhaustiveness is not checked for unreachable code, resulting in JVM back-end errorKT-22621
"throw throw Exception()": False negative UNREACHABLE_CODE warningKT-22317
No INITIALIZATION_BEFORE_DECLARATION without primary constructorKT-67307
K2: "Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol" in JpaRepository.saveAllKT-67185
K2: Incorrect coercion-to-Unit leading to CCE at runtimeKT-64891
K2: consider supporting/forbidding foo.(bar)() syntaxKT-59480
K2: build moko-resourcesKT-65771
K2: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot pop operand off an empty stack" when calling method imported using typealias as callable qualifierKT-67502
K2: "property must be initialized or be abstract" with try-finally in secondary constructorKT-67456
K2: "property must be initialized or be abstract" depending on constructor declaration orderKT-63524
K2: "Not enough information to infer type argument"KT-67628
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: Expected nullable type" — alias of nullable type analyzed as non-nullable in type parameterKT-67625
K2: Array aliases can't be used as vararg valuesKT-67624
K2: False negative "The feature "break continue in inline lambdas" is experimental and should be enabled explicitly" in elvis operatorKT-61787
K2 doesn't report warnings for some Gradle tasksKT-62550
K2: Different JVM signature of lambda withUnit
return typeKT-65120
K2 Consider turn into platform checkers ones which checks for objCKT-60271
K2: origins are not set on compare operatorsKT-28695
Compiler does not detect uninitialized property in lambdaKT-67593
K2: FIR2IR generates incorrect access to f/o of lateinit internal varKT-47382
JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound private symbol IrFieldSymbolImpl" caused by string template in constructor and extension propertyKT-67581
K2: Compiler fails on actualizing abstract class with sealed Java class via type aliasKT-49404
Fix type unsoundness for contravariant captured type based on Java classKT-22379
Condition of while-loop with break can produce unsound smartcastKT-67021
K2: Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol: E of the owner: FirRegularClassSymbol FunctionKT-67014
K1/K2 handle when expression as annotation target differentlyKT-67254
K1/K2 both allow annotations on loops, assignments, array setsKT-66960
K2. KMP. False negative'when' expression must be exhaustive
without sealed class inheritor from common source-setKT-65578
K2: implement a deprecation warning for KT-57014 (wrong nullability returned from JDK SAM constructor lambda)KT-63466
on a type-variable usage doesn't take precedence over a wildcard type argumentKT-56134
K2: NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER diagnostic is reported for the wrong symbolKT-66196
K2: "assigning single elements to varargs in named form is prohibited." caused by varargs supplied from java with elvis operatorKT-59872
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCHKT-67192
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [3]KT-63319
K1/K2: inconsistent behavior around NullMarked and type parameter based typesKT-59882
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [4]KT-53752
Missed subtyping check for an intersection typeKT-52628
Deprecate SAM constructor usages which require OptIn without annotationKT-54066
Deprecate upper bound violation in typealias constructorsKT-64860
K2: Consider using different ConstraintPosition when fixing variables for PCLAKT-67189
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [5]KT-67551
K2: No wrong annotation target error forfor
K2: Object is not smartcasted to type parameter typeKT-67264
K2: "argument type mismatch" with suspend lambda and java wildcardKT-63257
K2: FIR2IR inserts incorrect implicit cast for smartcasted variableKT-66902
K2: "Named arguments are prohibited for non-Kotlin functions" with Java interopKT-67311
K2: "Argument type mismatch" caused by lambda type when using named argumentsKT-57011
Make real type of a destructuring variable consistent with explicit type when specifiedKT-62043
K2: Fix FirCompileKotlinAgainstCustomBinariesTest.testRawTypesKT-66256
K2: compiler FIR2IR crash on SAM-conversion to value parameter of in-projected typeKT-67124
"Unstable inference behaviour with multiple generic lambdas" compilation errorKT-59791
K2: Implement partially constrained lambda analysisKT-66743
Lambda receivers and anonymous function parameters of inaccessible types are allowedKT-67315
K2: Some default imports are not excludedKT-56126
Avoid using descriptors at JvmPlatformAnalyzerServices::computePlatformSpecificDefaultImportsKT-66513
K2: Suppressing OPT_IN_USAGE_ERROR is now a warning in K2, preventing safe code gen compatible with -WerrorKT-67233
False negative UNSAFE_CALL with type check after null coalescing with 'OR'KT-52802
Report ambiguity resolving between property/field and enum entryKT-64920
Json.encodeToString yields different results depending on whether typealias is usedKT-58260
Make invoke convention work consistently with expected desugaringKT-67314
PCLA works inconsistently with smart-cast related CS forksKT-66797
K2 JS: Primary constructor property annotation with target VALUE_PARAMETER is put on property instead of parameterKT-55179
False negative PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_FROM_INLINE on calling private class companion object member from internal inline functionKT-54663
Projected types don't take into account in-place not null typesKT-58191
K2: capturing closures successors that are already resolved (thanks to backward edges) must be taken into account for allowing smart castsKT-67144
K2: potential NPE when assigning to unstable varsKT-66971
K2: missing SMARTCAST_IMPOSSIBLE on open val declared in another moduleKT-66904
K2: possible NPE when reassigning captured variablesKT-57031
operator assignment, increment/decrement should be considered as variable reassigning in terms of DFA. green in K1 -> red in K2 for unsound codeKT-67212
K2: "Failed to find functional supertype for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeCapturedType"KT-67283
K2: No SAM conversion for fun interface with abstract toStringKT-67318
Compiler fails with OutOfMemoryError on combination of PCLA+smart castKT-66956
K2: false negative CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER for inc/dec operatorsKT-64233
K2: K1/K2: ensure JVM ABI consistency for quality gates projectsKT-63535
K2: Apply DFA implications for nullable Nothing to both sidesKT-63413
K2 / kotlinx-atomicfu: "IllegalStateException: Expected some types"KT-62931
K2: extra class files for@OptionalExpectation
marked annotationsKT-34307
Confusing error message on lambda return type mismatchKT-62151
K2. overload resolution ambiguity for calls of Java record compact constructorsKT-60732
K2 Scripting: TeamCity DSL testKT-65062
K2: build kotlinx.collections.immutable and pass to CIKT-59467
K2: build toolbox-enterpriseKT-67205
K2: can't deserialize annotation with local class as argumentKT-52175
K2: WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET for annotation that used inside ifKT-65449
K2: build KAPT user project and pass it to CIKT-61384
IrFakeOverrideBuilder incorrectly checks visibility for friend modulesKT-67142
K2: IrFakeOverrideBuilder: AbstractMethodError on raw type argument in a Java superclassKT-65105
K2 / Native: Member overrides different '@Throws
' filterKT-62570
IncompatibleClassChangeError due to overriding final methodKT-57812
K2: support serialization of type annotation's argumentsKT-67190
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [2]KT-56683
K2: No control flow analysis for top-level propertiesKT-67188
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [6]KT-62063
K2: drop pre-release flag in 2.0-RCKT-67187
K2: Disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH [1]KT-66909
K2: Implement a diagnostic for returning null from a lambda with expected return type Unit!KT-66534
False positive ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH in lambdas with expected return type Unit!KT-63381
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: PublishedApi affects overridability of internal membersKT-63836
K2: No deprecation error message in common metadata compilationKT-57618
K2: complex deprecation messages are not printed in the errorKT-59856
K2: Check ConeDiagnostics that are not mapped to KtDiagnosticsKT-57502
K2: Smart casts should be forbidden if variable that remembers the smart cast is declared by delegationKT-63967
K2: Missing getterSignature in metadata for script variablesKT-59372
K2: Fix the TODO inconvertToIr.kt
K2: Exception from metadata compilation when compiling class with annotations from dependenciesKT-59479
K2: build KorGEKT-64502
K2: Internal error on calling function before declarationKT-62560
K2: KAPT4: annotation@ReplaceWith
is missing a default value for the element 'imports'KT-67027
K2: Review all use-sites of annotation arguments utilitiesKT-65012
IR Evaluator:NoSuchFieldException
when evaluating protected/private fields of superclassesKT-66953
K2: toByte() call on Char leads to ClassCastException for klib backendsKT-60096
K2: Introduced API_NOT_AVAILABLEKT-59484
K2: build trustwallet sampleKT-64151
K2: consider implementing FIR-level constant evaluationKT-65787
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType" caused by passing lambda expression with multiple labels to functionKT-53629
K2: forbid multiple labels per statementKT-65255
K2 / KJS: "IllegalArgumentException: Candidate is not successful, but system has no contradiction"KT-65195
K2: Unexpected exception when executing dynamic array element inc/decKT-63416
K2 / Contracts: False positive "Leaked in-place lambda" warning caused by suspend lambda with callsInPlace contractKT-66717
Incorrect diagnostics around intersection property overridesKT-63540
Restrict the CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS + DeprecatedLevel.HIDDEN ignore to final callablesKT-56587
There are no warnings in some cases when Enum.entries is shadowedKT-65111
K2: Java star imports don't work in KJK interdependenciesKT-63709
K2: Argument smartcasting impacting receiver and call resolution for implicit invokeKT-63530
K2: Disable passing data flow info from in-place lambdasKT-65377
K2: "Argument type mismatch" caused by approximated captured type argument of generic typeKT-59400
K2: Missing Fir metadata serialization support for scriptsKT-64534
K2: org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.FileAnalysisException: Somewhere in fileKT-57555
[LC] Forbid deferred initialization of open properties with backing fieldKT-65776
[LC] K2 breaksfalse && ...
andfalse || ...
K2: Change in inference of supertype of function types with receiverKT-65649
K2: IR has incorrect origins for some inplace updating operatorsKT-64295
Forbid recursive resolve in case of potential ambiguity on upper tower levelKT-62866
K2: Change qualifier resolution behavior when companion object is preferred against static scopeKT-55446
Change impact of private-to-this visibility to resolutionKT-64255
Forbid accessing internal setter from a derived class in another moduleKT-64966
Forbid generic delegating constructor calls with wrong type for generic parameterKT-63389
is reported on incompatible annotations of a type wrapped into()?
K2: False-positive AMBIGUOUS_SUPER in toStringKT-67013
K2: ClassCastException: class FirConstructorSymbol cannot be cast to class FirNamedFunctionSymbolKT-64872
K2: do-while condition able to access uninitialized variableKT-66350
K2: "IllegalStateException: Unsupported compile-time value STRING_CONCATENATION" when evaluating an annotation argument stringKT-61798
K2 incorrectly calculates modality of property accessorsKT-65035
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: AbstractMethodError on inheritance from Java subclass of CharSequence with inherited implementationsKT-61579
K2: Inconsistent reportingUNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE
for top-level propertiesKT-66730
K2: False positive RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH in return statement in SAM constructorKT-66570
Generic wildcard upper bound inference errorKT-65272
K2: invoke operator applies "restricted suspending call" error differently than K1KT-66148
K2. Sources of receivers updated twice because of PCLAKT-62525
K2: IllegalStateException: Can't find KotlinType in IrErrorType: IrErrorType(null)KT-64266
K2: don't report MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS on lambda parameter for non-generic typesKT-65300
K2: this-expressions in initializers and local declarations don't introduce type information to either BI or PCLAKT-66463
Prohibit using property+invoke for iteratorKT-63631
K2: constant value UByte.MAX_VALUE is incorrectly deserialized from metadataKT-65386
K2: Different signature of invoke for Unit lambdaKT-60574
K2: generated IR forsuspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
is different from K1 (K2 uses Any? instead of Unit)KT-66512
K2: Incorrect diagnostic in lambda whose expected type is a type alias to UnitKT-66279
K2: False positive INITIALIZER_TYPE_MISMATCH withreturn Unit
in a lambda with the expected type() -> Unit
K2: False negative RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH with empty return in lambda assigned to a propertyKT-66654
K2 FIR resolution: Mismatch between actual type and expected type for a value parameter when the parameter type is a function type with special function kindKT-66638
Cannot access properties of a generic type with wildcardsKT-66690
K2: don't report MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS on expression without errors for generic type argumentsKT-66767
K2: Destructuring declaration inside initializer failureKT-63695
JVM: Don't use plugin extensions when compiling code fragmentKT-65727
K2: add proper package for properties generated from destructuring declarationsKT-64854
K2: Trying to access private field on runtime with contractsKT-65388
IrFakeOverrideBuilder - custom annotation is available in fake getter/setterKT-66595
K2: compiler FIR checking crash on destructuring declarations calling hidden componentN declarationsKT-62129
K2: Verification error on calling an extension from an env with 2+ context receiversKT-41607
NI: UNSAFE_CALL caused by try catch block assigning to a nullable variableKT-63932
K2/Native codegen test failures around builder inferenceKT-66352
K2: difference between LL FIR and FIR for componentN functionsKT-66686
K2 Script: Unresolved reference of script-specific entities on out-of-order resolveKT-65523
K2: add proper package for result$$ propertyKT-66699
Restore HostManager ABIKT-60533
Inliner incorrectly captures non-null value as null in coroutinesKT-57925
K2: Consider removing FirEmptyContractDescriptionKT-61893
K2: should not resolve to Java function with Kotlin hidden-level deprecationKT-59669
K2: Explore assignments in in-place lambdasKT-66271
Fir: Deserialize classFile, functionFile and propertyFile from KlibMetadataProtoBufKT-57957
K2: Symbol providers are frequently queried with error-named class IDsKT-66046
K2: false negative CANNOT_WEAKEN_ACCESS_PRIVILEGE on propertyKT-66677
K2: OVERRIDE_DEPRECATION isn't reported for WEAKLY_HIDDEN method toArray()KT-62793
K2: slightly different bytecode of suspend conversionsKT-57244
K2: slightly different naming scheme for suspend conversion adaptersKT-60256
K2: types are not substituted in suspend conversionKT-66673
K2/JS: FirJsInheritanceClassChecker doesn't expand type aliases to supertypesKT-66475
K2/KMP/Wasm: report WRONG_JS_INTEROP_TYPE from a platform checkerKT-66474
K2/KMP/JS: report EXTERNAL_TYPE_EXTENDS_NON_EXTERNAL_TYPE from a platform checkerKT-66473
K2/Wasm: FirWasmExternalInheritanceChecker doesn't expand type aliasesKT-64407
Implement WriteSignatureTestGenerated for K2KT-64438
K2: Port CodegenTestCase to K2KT-64404
Implement WriteFlagsTestGenerated for K2KT-66491
K2 / KJS: "Name contains illegal characters." caused by backticks in importKT-66275
K2: false-positive "Java module does not depend on module" error on access to inherited member from twice-transitive dependency via class from transitive dependencyKT-65801
IrFakeOverrideBuilder - visibility is lost for setter in KJK hierarchyKT-65576
K2: Incorrect resolution of variable+invoke when the property type is not computedKT-58575
Private Kotlin property prevents use of Java get- and set-methods from Java-Kotlin-Java hierarchyKT-61282
K2: Incorrect overridden function forjava.nio.CharBuffer.get
K2: False positive UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE on extension property call defined in KJK hierarchyKT-59470
K2: build KaMPKitKT-60510
Smartcast to functional type does not work in when exprssionKT-59677
K2: Report diagnostics about missing receiver for delegated constructor call to inner classKT-65183
K2: Remove workaround for@OnlyInputTypes
and captured types with recursive supertypes from inferenceKT-66120
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: wrong return type in intersection with 3 classesKT-65939
IrFakeOverrideBuilder - nullability annotation is lost in intersection without annotationKT-59473
K2: build firebase-kotlin-sdkKT-66356
K2: type mismatch error when generic type with inaccessible generic type as type argument is produced and consumed by declarations from dependenciesKT-65193
K2: "JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH" caused by MutableListKT-66636
NoSuchMethodError: 'void in the FLysto K2 QGKT-63941
K2: "IllegalStateException: Unsupported compile-time value STRING_CONCATENATION" caused by class reference in string expression as annotation parameterKT-65704
of flexible type with recursive captured type argument produces giant multi-level-deep typeKT-65410
K2: ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for 'removeAt' in KJK hierarchyKT-65184
K2: disappeared TYPE_MISMATCH for java collectionsKT-66392
K2: Exception in KJK hierarchy with implicit typesKT-66551
Revert temporary commits after KT-62063 and bootstrappingKT-65218
FIR LL and DiagnosticFE10 tests start to fail in case of adding any new declaration into stdlib commonMainKT-66552
K2: build of intellij crashes the compilerKT-63746
K2: JSpecify: If a class has a@Nullable
type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat unbounded wildcards like platform typesKT-66504
K2: plusAssign operator call is resolved differently than function callKT-48515
JSpecify: If a class has a@Nullable
type-parameter bound, Kotlin should still treat unbounded wildcards like platform typesKT-57588
K2/Native: False positive '"CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE" on overriding objc methodsKT-58892
K2: Parcelize doesn't work in common code when expect annotation is actualized with typealias to@Parcelize
K2: "KotlinNothingValueException" caused by unsafe cast and Nothing::classKT-66124
K2: Remove FirLambdaArgumentExpression and FirNamedArgumentExpression after resolutionKT-65959
K2: Incorrect warnings about inline function impactKT-64994
lambda type is not resolved from other modulesKT-66048
K2: property becomes nullable in KJK hierarchy if base declaration has implicit return typeKT-47843
No error reported on assigning "continue" to a companion objectKT-47530
NI: Unexpected TYPE_MISMATCH when combining nested conditional and contravariant type argumentKT-49583
NI: NullPointerException on compiling anonymous function returning a method referenceKT-42782
NI: Smart casting for generic type doesn't work if the variable is already smart castKT-38031
FIR: Discrepancy in call resolution for qualifiers with old FEKT-65789
K1/K2: Resolve change in constructor/top-level function ambiguityKT-66150
K2: expects type argument in super qualifierKT-60971
Incorrect "cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target ..." on property setter if only getter is inlineKT-61514
K2: Build fake overrides using IR during Fir2IRKT-65584
K2: "Duplicate parameter name in a function type"KT-50008
annotation on type-parameter bound prevents type-variable usages from being platform typesKT-37000
IndexOutOfBoundsException from TypeResolver on typealias with cyclic referencesKT-56988
CFG, smart casts: red in K1 -> green in K2 for invalid codeKT-62118
FIR: "HashMap.entry" has invalid enhanced typeKT-64840
K2: Bare type are not allowed for TV based values during PCLAKT-65415
K2: Stdlib K2 build error: IrConstructorSymbolImpl is already boundKT-66449
Make DiagnosticSuppressor a project-level extensionKT-66411
FIR: Real source on fake block around assignment expression in the "when" branch affects resolve in K2 Analysis API and IDEKT-65249
K2: False positive modality is different for native compilationKT-65982
K2 Scripts cannot disambiguate declarations imported from default and explicit importsKT-65677
K2: Unable to resolve parent class from companion objectKT-47310
Change qualifier resolution behavior when companion property is preferred against enum entryKT-41034
K2: Change evaluation semantics for combination of safe calls and convention operatorsKT-63529
K2: Compiler does not detect tailrec call with nullable typeKT-66441
Remove symbol table from IR fake override builder in Fir2IrKT-64846
K2: false negative CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS on inheritance from Java collection subclass with a conflicting overrideKT-62312
[K2/N] revert putting stdlib to the beginning of libraries list in the compilerKT-58203
K2: false-negative incompatible types error on is-check with unrelated typeKT-65722
K2: Property reference refers to non-existent functionsKT-65878
K2: "ClassCastException" when passing nun-suspend lambda to SAM constructor with named argumentKT-66379
K2: No extra message in UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for cases with CapturedTypeKT-59475
K2: build nowinandroidKT-65926
K2: add tests for all fixed-in-k2 / not-reproducible-in-k2 unresolved issuesKT-59481
K2: build aws-sdk-kotlin + smithy-kotlinKT-65022
K2: Compiler crashes when array literal is used in delegate expressionKT-62836
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-64727
K1: Closing bracket of object inside crossinline lambda or inside lambda in inline function is not hit on step-overKT-64726
K1: Cannot stop on closing bracket of crossinline lambda inside of another crossinline lambdaKT-64725
K1: Cannot stop on closing bracket of lambda of inline-only functionKT-66272
Could not load module with a combination of type parametersKT-66243
Could not load module in a builder inference with lambda with typed parameterKT-66229
Could not load module in a builder inference with Map.EntryKT-66313
K2: declaration-order-dependent false-positive "recursive problem in type checker" error ongetX
declaration with implicit return type that callsx
declaration via intermediate declaration ingetX
's expression bodyKT-61041
K2: Consider getting rid of confusing shouldRunCompletion and shouldAvoidFullCompletion function in FirInferenceSessionKT-66267
K2: generic function's type parameter is erased if present as type argument in type of callable reference to member of generic function's local classKT-61448
K2: Disappeared DEPRECATION in testWithModifiedMockJdkKT-60106
K2. False-negativeSmart cast to is impossible, because is a public API property declared in different module
for Java static fieldKT-61626
K2: Module "com.soywiz.korlibs.kmem:kmem" has a reference to symbol korlibs.memory/Buffer|null[1]KT-57427
Fix inconsistencies in name manglers that use different declaration representationsKT-66258
K2: accessor-targeted@Suppress
annotation is ignored on primary constructor propertyKT-29559
Smart Cast functionality doesn't behave in an expected way in all casesKT-60777
K2: false-positive "abstract function in non-abstract class" error on abstract member function of open interfaceKT-66067
K2: different overrides are created in a complex hierarchy with raw types and upper-bounded type parametersKT-65821
K2: [NONE_APPLICABLE] None of the following functions is applicable: [constructor(message: String?): Throwable, constructor(cause: Throwable?): Throwable, constructor(): Throwable, ...]KT-66268
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirUserTypeRefImplKT-63563
K2: False negative RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH with empty returnKT-60797
Smartcasts don't work with Nothing? values (Nothing? considered a null constant => an unstable value)KT-28262
Smartcasts for reference equality don't work if explicit true check is usedKT-66000
K2: inherited inline getter has not been inlinedKT-66158
K2: not nullable return type for upper-bounded kotlin type parameter in KJK hierarchyKT-57268
K2: extra methodsremove
are generated for Map subclasses with JDK 1.6 in dependenciesKT-63577
K2: false-positive "wrong number of type arguments" error on callable reference to member of generic function's local classKT-62352
jspecify NonNull annotation seems not supportedKT-65636
PowerAssert: Negative contains operator not aligned correctly in K2KT-64271
K2: Wrong overriddenSymbols for toString of data classKT-62779
K2: Difference in fake override generationKT-61941
K2: FIR2IR incorrectly generates f/o structure for complex java/kotlin hierarchies with remapped jvm declarationsKT-60283
K2: fake override for java static method is not generatedKT-65095
K2: no bridge generated for getOrDefault when inheriting from Java Map implementationKT-57301
and bridges are not generated for certain Map subclassesKT-50916
K2: store resolved type inside ConeStubType after builder inferenceKT-65857
K2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown visibility: unknownKT-66174
-Xjdk-release 6 and 7 have a misleading error messageKT-66175
Wrong supported options list for -jvm-target compiler optionKT-58814
Too eager subtype inference in when expressionKT-65408
K1: "There are still 2 unbound symbols after generation of IR module" caused by data object'scopy
function usageKT-65844
False Positive "This class can only be used as an annotation or as an argument to@OptIn
" when passing as an arrayKT-58697
K2: Tests: Assert no dump files exist when dump directive isn't presentKT-63258
NPE with function reference from within lambda during initKT-60597
K1: IllegalArgumentException: fromIndex(0) > toIndex(-1) when wrapping receiver with backticksKT-33108
USELESS_CAST false positive for cast inside lambdaKT-58458
K1: "java.lang.NullPointerException" with 'var equals' or 'val equals' as argument in whenKT-58447
K1: "AssertionError: Recursion detected on input" with@ParameterName
and extensionKT-41013
OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY for functions takes lambda: can not resolve it, but only named lambda parameterKT-56032
[LC issue] Incorrect wrapping when passing java vararg method to inline functionKT-65588
K2: typealias of primitive type in vararg causes ABI incompatibilityKT-23873
Indexed access operator can cause false USELESS_CAST warningKT-31191
Contract not smartcasting for extension functions in if-statement with multiple conditionsKT-28725
ReenteringLazyValueComputationException during resolution & inferenceKT-35429
ReenteringLazyValueComputationException when accessing property with same nameKT-63826
K2: expect for expect crashes the compilerKT-25668
False-positive error on restricted suspending function call with callable referenceKT-18055
SMARTCAST_IMPOSSIBLE on mutable data class variable with a read-only propertyKT-15904
Improve error message when type of generic extension call is inferred from receiverKT-66186
K1 diagnostics miss some reporting messagesKT-65101
Generics behaving different when parenthesizedKT-63444
TYPE_MISMATCH caused by Inner class with nullable type and star projectionKT-62022
K1 False positive EXPOSED_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE on generics with anonymous object typesKT-58751
Definitely non-nullable type gets lost with star projectionKT-56624
"Unresolved reference" with import alias and enum constructor callKT-54726
K1: StackOverflowError on mutually recursive typealiasesKT-35134
False negative INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, EQUALITY_NOT_APPLICABLE when comparing smartcast value to BooleanKT-20617
Qualified this@property
does not work in extension properties with body expressionKT-10879
OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY for synthetic property accessor with smartcasted receiverKT-26768
K1 IDE: False positive "Smart cast to '$CLASS$' is impossible", on local variable in run closureKT-63525
K2: "IllegalStateException: Fake override should have at least one overridden descriptor" caused by unreachable codeKT-65333
K2: UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE for java inner class in intersection scopeKT-61060
K2: Rewrite delegate inferenceKT-63712
Make it possible to add new stdlib API with SinceKotlin(2.0)KT-63741
K2: fix visibility inference with overridden + inherited memberKT-64488
K2: False positive DEPRECATED_ACCESS_TO_ENTRY_PROPERTY_FROM_ENUM with context receiversKT-62283
K2: build Dokka with K2 user project and pass it to CIKT-57585
K2/MPP: false-negative errors on expect/actual modifiers mismatchKT-66077
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: NPE from IrJavaIncompatibilityRulesOverridabilityCondition.doesJavaOverrideHaveIncompatibleValueParameterKindsKT-57044
K2 LL Tests: false-positive 'Overload resolution ambiguity between candidates: [@Override
() fun test(): Unit , fun test(): Unit]'KT-66020
K2: ISE "IrPropertySymbolImpl is unbound. Signature: null" on a property with getter with@JvmName
K2, KLIB: Classes are still sorted before serializing them to metadataKT-65866
[K/N] Fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown visibility: unknownKT-66005
K2: "Should not be here: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirResolvedReifiedParameterReferenceImpl" on incorrect comparison of reified type parameterKT-65840
[K2] Initializer type mismatch: expected 'Type', actual 'Type'KT-65002
K2: Incorrect suspend conversion if argument is an aliased functional typeKT-65984
K2 scripting: failure on processing SUPPRESS annotation in the last script statementKT-65680
K2: Class redeclaration leads to BackendException during IR fake override builderKT-66028
K2: Convert FirExpectActualDeclarationChecker to platform checkerKT-65592
K2: IrFakeOverrideBuilder: ISE "should not be called" on diamond hierarchy with explicit dependency on annotations.jarKT-65277
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: NPE from IrJavaIncompatibilityRulesOverridabilityCondition.doesJavaOverrideHaveIncompatibleValueParameterKindsKT-65983
K2 gradle scripting: "'val' cannot be reassigned" errorsKT-60452
K2 Scripting: implement overriding of the script paramsKT-65975
K2: Implicit receivers resolution order in K2 scriptingKT-60249
K2: No unit coercion generated for loops bodyKT-65937
K2: order of enum entries changedKT-65933
K2: Type missmatch in arrays in annotationsKT-65343
JVM IR: Source parameter is lost when copying with DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbolsKT-65103
K2: IllegalArgumentException: IrErrorCallExpressionImpl(5388, 5392, "Unresolved reference: R?C|/cont|") found but error code is not allowedKT-62788
K2: difference in annotation inheritance in overriddingsKT-65669
K2: ClassCastException class FirDeclarationStatusImpl cannot be cast to class FirResolvedDeclarationStatusKT-65493
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: difference in return type for intersection with raw typeKT-65207
IrFakeOverrideBuilder - nullable return type for intersection overrideKT-65972
Fix problems related to Unknown visibility in [FP] intellijKT-65246
K2: Overiding java method that takes vararg parameter causes WRONG_NULLABILITY_FOR_JAVA_OVERRIDE warningKT-59883
K2: subclass of MutableCollection with primitive element type has methods with boxed typeKT-58476
Context receivers: "No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER" with context-receiver inside suspended lambda calling another suspended functionKT-52213
Context receivers: "No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER" caused by contextual suspending function type with receiverKT-56545
Fix incorrect functions mangling in JVM backend in case of accidental clashing overload in a Java subclassKT-13650
Right-hand side of a safe assignment is not always evaluated, which can fool smart-castsKT-61823
K2: Render list of declarations in diagnostic messages with linebreak as separatorKT-65302
IrFakeOverrideBuilder - missing@EnhancedNullability
K2: [LT] Compiler crash on assignment expression with incorrect lvalueKT-60006
K2: Check if callable reference vararg adaption can be affected by primitive type aliasesKT-62847
K2: Introduce FIR node for SAM conversionKT-65920
K2: no field for delegation is createdKT-65487
K2: Different fake overrides and false positive NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE for intersection/override with Collection.removeKT-65460
Don't compare order of functions in IR dumpKT-64276
[K/N][K2] K2 behaviorial difference with inconsistent inheritance of ObjCNameKT-65572
[K/N][K2] INCOMPATIBLE_OBJC_NAME_OVERRIDE error message changed from K1KT-63420
Prevent weakening visibility in implicit overridesKT-64635
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Expected expression 'FirAnonymousFunctionExpressionImpl' to be resolved" when provideDelegate is extension of function with receiverKT-63879
K2: Redundant flagdeclaresDefaultValue
for parameter of function inherited from delegateKT-56744
Prepare language committee ticket about DFA/Smart-cast related changes in K2KT-65790
K2: Move check for private-to-this visibility into checkerKT-65551
K2: Property redeclaration on native compilation leads to NotImplementedErrorKT-65770
K2: Diagnostic rendering ofvararg Foo
parameter producesvararg Array<Foo>
K2: must override 'spliterator' because it inherits multiple implementations for itKT-59921
K2: Disappeared NULL_FOR_NONNULL_TYPEKT-65290
False positive "Smart cast to 'Foo' is impossible" due to same variable names in different closuresKT-65337
K2: False positive UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE when lambda labeled by illegal label and operator-invokedKT-65448
K2: fake overrides are not generated for 'containsAll', 'removeAll', 'retainAll' if inherited from raw typeKT-65298
K2: not nullable return type and parameter for raw typesKT-63377
K2: conflict between type parameter and nested classKT-63286
K2: Top-level properties in scripts are missing initialization checksKT-59744
K2: false negative VAL_REASSIGNMENT in case of reassignment inside custom setterKT-58579
K2: false-positive new inference error on invoking a generic function on Java wildcard type bounded by raw-typed Java inner classKT-60258
Support java-kotlin interop for@SubclassOptInRequired
Support for inter-module interaction for@SubclassOptInRequired
K2: missing implicit coercion to unitKT-59715
K2: Check behaviour of property + operator in operator positionKT-63441
IrFakeOverrideBuilder: "accidental override" when implementing a Java function taking an array parameterKT-65706
K2: IrFakeOverrideBuilder: ISE "Fake override should have at least one overridden descriptor" on J-K-J-K hierarchy with interface delegationKT-61362
K2: Properties/fields are missing from system librariesKT-63344
K2: SAM checker can run incorrectly in presence of an expect supertypeKT-61843
K2: Missing TYPE_MISMATCH for nested array literalsKT-62752
expect-actual matcher/checker: return type must be "checking" incompatibilityKT-59887
K2: Disappeared ACTUAL_MISSINGKT-65604
K2: INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME: effective modalityKT-65637
Prepare documentation for PCLA implementationKT-65341
K2: "Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol" caused by not-null assertion operator inside string in throwKT-49283
Support contribution type info from a nested builder inference callKT-64077
K2: Builder inference ignores constraints from nested builder inferenceKT-49160
Couldn't infer a type argument through several builder inference calls broken by a local classKT-63827
K2: Array += desugaring doesn't have originKT-65057
K2: Wrong type inferred in code with heavy use of genericsKT-63514
ISE “Inline class types should have the same representation: [I != I” during compilation on submitting UIntArray to varargKT-61088
K2: return types of non-last-expression calls to@PolymorphicSignature
methods inside try-expressions don't resolve to void when requiredKT-62476
K2: Enable building fake overrides by ir on non-JVM targetsKT-59839
in MPPKT-61310
K2: "Not enough information to infer type variable R" for transformLatestKT-63733
Builder-style type inference can't resolve to extension overloads when they're more applicable than member onesKT-57707
K1: inconsistent TYPE_MISMATCH in builder inferenceKT-55057
Builder inference changes behaviour sporadically based on BI annotation on unrelated callKT-60663
Builder inference does not work inside a nested unrelated builder inference lambdaKT-53639
TYPE_MISMATCH: compiler can't infer the list's type when usingbuildList {}
builder orCollection#isNotEmpty
K2: "IllegalStateException: Cannot serialize error type: ERROR CLASS: Cannot infer argument for type parameter T" during FIR serializationKT-65033
K2: Fir2LazyIr: Lazy type aliases not supportedKT-57709
Inconsistent extension function call resolution in builder inferenceKT-53740
Builder inference with multiple lambdas leads to unsound typeKT-60877
Builder inference from the null literal results in Nothing instead of Nothing? for producing positions of the postponed type variableKT-53553
Builder inference: inconsistent types in different lambda scopesKT-54400
K2: builder inference does not work with assignments of literals to member propertiesKT-63840
Builder inference fails on calls to identity-shaped functions with postponed type variables inside select-constructionsKT-65262
K2: Exception in DFA for combination of try-finally + PCLA + DIKT-58169
K2: make equals bounded smart casts work the same as in K1KT-64967
K2: false positive TYPE_MISMATCH with generic type parametersKT-64102
K2: Reflection cannot find type of local class of local classKT-63901
K2: Different naming of inner class in metadataKT-63655
K2: incorrect short class name in metadata for anonymous object inside a local classKT-59664
Inline modifier can be added to a constructor parameter, but it does not have any effectKT-59418
K2: Class is not abstract and does not implement abstract memberKT-63737
Wasm: revise external declaration FE checker for WASI modeKT-59782
K2: Forbid local delegated properties with private accessors in public inline functionsKT-65482
K2: NoSuchFieldError due to using unboxed typeKT-61182
Unit conversion is accidentally allowed to be used for expressions on variables + invoke resolutionKT-62998
Forbid assignment of a nullable to a not-null Java field as a selector of unsafe assignmentKT-63208
K2: Implement deprecation cycle and fix missing errors for error-level nullable arguments of warning-level Java typesKT-57600
Forbid overriding of Java method with raw-typed parameter with generic typed parameterKT-63147
K2: False negative DSL_SCOPE_VIOLATION when member is annotated with@LowPriorityInOverloadResolution
K2: handle non-simple types during FirStatusResolver.isPrivateToThis checkKT-42020
Psi2ir: IllegalStateException: "IrSimpleFunctionPublicSymbolImpl for public [...] is already bound" on generic function whose substitution leads to IdSignature clashSee the full 2.0.0 ChangeLog here -
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