name: 'Git Commit Push Action' description: 'GitHub Action to commit & push changes made in workflows (all os supported).' inputs: email: description: Committer's email address required: true default: ${{ }} name: description: Committer's username required: true default: ${{ }} commit_message: description: Commit message required: true default: Commit performed using Push and Commit action target_branch: description: Branch to push the changes back to required: true default: ${{ github.ref }} files: description: Files to add separated by space required: true default: . remote_repository: description: Repository url to push the code to required: true default: origin access_token: description: Token used to push the code required: true default: ${{ github.token }} force: description: Whether to perform force push required: true default: '0' empty: description: Whether to allow empty commit required: false default: '0' tags: description: Whether to use --tags required: false default: '0' runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Git push and commit origin if: ${{ inputs.remote_repository == 'origin' }} run: | CURRENT_BRANCH=${GITHUB_REF} case $CURRENT_BRANCH in "refs/heads/"*) CURRENT_BRANCH=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | sed "s@refs/heads/@@") esac TARGET_BRANCH=${{ inputs.target_branch }} case $TARGET_BRANCH in "refs/heads/"*) TARGET_BRANCH=$(echo "$TARGET_BRANCH" | sed "s@refs/heads/@@") esac if [ "${{ inputs.force }}" != "0" ]; then FORCE='--force' fi if [ "${{ inputs.empty }}" != "0" ]; then EMPTY='--allow-empty' fi if [ "${{ inputs.tags }}" != "0" ]; then TAGS='--tags' fi echo "machine" > "$HOME/.netrc" echo " login $GITHUB_ACTOR" >> "$HOME/.netrc" echo " password ${{ inputs.access_token }}" >> "$HOME/.netrc" echo "machine" >> "$HOME/.netrc" echo " login $GITHUB_ACTOR" >> "$HOME/.netrc" echo " password ${{ inputs.access_token }}" >> "$HOME/.netrc" git config --local "${{ }}" git config --local "${{ }}" if [[ `git status --porcelain` ]]; then git add ${{ inputs.files }} -v git commit -S -m "${{ inputs.commit_message }}" $EMPTY git branch git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} git fetch "${{ inputs.remote_repository }}" "$CURRENT_BRANCH" git checkout "$CURRENT_BRANCH" git merge git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} git branch -d git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} git push "${{ inputs.remote_repository }}" "$CURRENT_BRANCH:$TARGET_BRANCH" --follow-tags $FORCE $TAGS else echo "WARNING: No changes were detected. git commit push action aborted." fi shell: bash - name: Git push and commit remote if: ${{ inputs.remote_repository != 'origin' }} run: | if [ -z "${{ inputs.access_token }}" ]; then echo "WARNING: The access_token input is mandatory to push files to another repository." exit 1 fi REGEX="^(https|git)(:\/\/|@)([^\/:]+)[\/:]([^\/:]+)\/(.+)$" if [[ ${{ inputs.remote_repository }} =~ $REGEX ]]; then PROTOCOL=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} SEPARATOR=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} HOSTNAME=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} DESTINATION_OWNER=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} DESTINATION_REPOSITORY=${BASH_REMATCH[5]} if [[ $DESTINATION_REPOSITORY == *'.git'* ]] && [[ $DESTINATION_REPOSITORY != *''* ]]; then DESTINATION_REPOSITORY=${DESTINATION_REPOSITORY//.git/ } fi CLONE_DIRECTORY=$(mktemp -d) echo "##### Cloning destination repository #####" # Setup git git config --global "${{ }}" git config --global "${{ }}" git config -l | grep 'http\..*\.extraheader' | cut -d= -f1 | xargs -L1 git config --unset-all git clone "https://${{ inputs.access_token }}$DESTINATION_OWNER/$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY.git" "$CLONE_DIRECTORY" echo echo "##### Copying contents to remote repository #####" echo ""##### Current repo content #####" ls -lha cp -rvf ${{ inputs.files }} $CLONE_DIRECTORY cd "$CLONE_DIRECTORY" echo ""##### Remote repo content after copying files #####" ls -la "$CLONE_DIRECTORY" REMOTE_URL=https://$DESTINATION_OWNER:${{ inputs.access_token }}$DESTINATION_OWNER/$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY git remote set-url origin $REMOTE_URL git fetch origin git add --all # Won't commit if no changes were made git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit --message "${{ inputs.commit_message }}" git status git branch git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} # Create new branch (if necessary) BE=$(git ls-remote --heads origin ${{ inputs.target_branch }} | wc -l) if [[ $BE == *"0"* ]]; then echo "##### Target branch doesn't exist. Creating new branch #####" git checkout -b ${{ inputs.target_branch }} else git checkout ${{ inputs.target_branch }} fi git merge -X theirs git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} git branch -d git-commit-push-action-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.job }} echo echo "##### Pushing git commit #####" git push -f -u origin "${{ inputs.target_branch }}" else echo echo "WARNING: Couldn't read remote_repository URL input." echo "ACCEPTED FORMAT:" echo "git://" echo "or" echo "" echo "or" echo "" echo "or" echo "" exit 1 fi shell: bash branding: icon: 'git-commit' color: 'black'