# task config with dropbox alias task="task rc:/Users/oliver/Dropbox/tasks/.taskrc" # use own ssh ca with httpie alias https="https --verify=${HOME}/.ssl/cacert.pem" # Use `hub` as our git wrapper: # http://defunkt.github.com/hub/ hub_path=$(which hub 2>/dev/null) if (( $+commands[hub] )) then alias git=$hub_path fi ack_path=$(which ack-grep 2>/dev/null) if (( $+commands[ack-grep] )) then alias ack=$ack_path fi LSCMD="ls -G" if $(gls &>/dev/null) then LSCMD="gls --color" fi \ls --help &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then LSCMD="ls --color" fi exa_path=$(which exa 2>/dev/null) if (( $+commands[exa] )) then LSCMD=$exa_path alias ls="$LSCMD -F" alias dir="$LSCMD -lt | most" else alias ls="$LSCMD -Fh" alias dir="$LSCMD -lht | most" fi alias bd="bd -s" alias grep="grep --color=auto" alias fgrep="fgrep --color=auto" alias egrep="egrep --color=auto" # be faster aliase alias ..='cd ..' alias cd..='cd ..' alias ...='cd ../..' alias cd...='cd ../..' alias cls='clear' alias df='df -h' # Unix alias tlf="tail -f" alias ln='ln -v' alias mkdir='mkdir -p' alias -g LIN='| wc -l' alias -g ONE="| awk '{ print \$1}'" alias -g TWO="| awk '{ print \$2}'" alias -g THREE="| awk '{ print \$3}'" alias -g FOUR="| awk '{ print \$4}'" alias -g FIVE="| awk '{ print \$5}'" alias -g SIX="| awk '{ print \$6}'" alias -g SEVEN="| awk '{ print \$7}'" alias -g EIGHT="| awk '{ print \$8}'" alias -g NINE="| awk '{ print \$9}'"